Print Awareness - Tall, Small & Fall Letters
This section of print awareness resources focuses on the terms “tall, small and fall letters”. They refer to which part of the primary writing lines the letters touch or don’t touch. Using these categories helps kids to see there are three kinds of letters and brings a little more order to how they think about them. Though not necessarily a standards-based concept, tall, small and fall letters make learning letters a lot more fun! Each type of letter is represented by an animal – a giraffe represents the tall letters, a turtle represents the small letters, and a monkey represents the fall letters. Be sure to scroll all the way down to see all the pocket chart cards, worksheets, and a set of sorting strips.
17 resources
CCSS No specific standards
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Print Awareness – Pocket Chart Cards – Tall Letters
Look out for these tall letters! They're represented by a tall, yet sweet giraffe, to show kids that the tall letters touch both the top line the bottom base line (in most cases). One page with three cards.

Print Awareness – Pocket Chart Cards – Small Letters
The small letters are represented by a cute green turtle to show kids that the small letters are written between the dashed mid line and the bottom base line. One page with three cards.

Print Awareness – Pocket Chart Cards – Fall Letters
The fall letters in this set are represented by a low-swinging monkey to show kids that the fall letters come down below the bottom base line. One page with three cards.

Print Awareness – Pocket Chart Cards – Tall, Small and Fall Letters
These cards can be used in conjunction with the tall, small and fall pocket chart cards in this set. Each set of letters is printed in large color-coded type on primary writing lines.

Print Awareness – Tall, Small, Fall Letters – Color-Coded
These four pages of color-coded letters are printed on primary writing lines. You can have fun with them by describing and sorting letters using the pocket chart strips in this set.

Print Awareness – Tall, Small, Fall Letters – Animals
This cool set of color-coded letters comes with an animal: the tall brown letters have a giraffe next to them, the small green letters have a turtle next to them and the golden fall letters have a monkey next to them.

Print Awareness – Tall, Small, Fall Letters – Orange Letters
In this letter set all the letters come in the same color - orange. No color-coding or animals here to help kids sort them. Kids will have to know what type of letter it is using the guidelines you've taught them.

Print Awareness – Tall, Small, Fall Letters – Posters
This three poster color-coded set has one poster for each type of letter. The title is in large bold letters and the letters are written on large primary writing lines. Each type of letter is represented by a different animal.

Print Awareness – Sort Tall & Small Letters
Have your kids sort tall & small letters. First, they cut out the twelve letters, then they glue them into the correct space for either tall or small letters.

Print Awareness – Sort Tall & Fall Letters
Sort tall & fall letters with this simple cut and glue worksheet. Kids cut out the twelve letters and glue them into the correct category.

Print Awareness – Sort Small & Fall Letters
Here's a worksheet to sort small & fall letters. Kids cut out the twelve letters, decide which category they go into and glue them into the correct space.

Print Awareness – Sort Tall, Small, & Fall Letters
A cut and glue sorting worksheet for tall, small, & fall letters. Kids cut out the twelve letters, decide which category they go into and glue them into the correct space.

Print Awareness – Sort ALL the Tall, Small, & Fall Letters
Here's a fun set of ALL the letters to sort. Cut out the letters and glue them into the matching category. Two sets of letters are provided - cut the letters out individually or save cutting time and cut on the shared lines.

Print Awareness – Write Tall Letters
This worksheet has the seven tall letters - b, d, f, h, k, l, and t - neatly spaced on six primary writing lines so kids can easily trace them.

Print Awareness – Write Small Letters
This worksheet is for kids to write small letters. The fourteen small letters - a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, and z - repeat three times and are neatly spaced on six primary writing lines.

Print Awareness – Write Fall Letters
Each line of this worksheet has the five fall letters - g, j, p, q, and y - neatly spaced on primary writing lines so kids can easily trace them.

Print Awareness – Write Tall, Small, Fall Letters
In this worksheet each set of letters is represented by an animal. Kids trace the letters nicely and neatly on the primary writing lines. Then have them color the animals.

Print Awareness – Tall, Small, Fall Letters – Sorting Strips
These easy-to-use sorting strips will provide lots of sorting fun. Cut out on the dotted lines, fold up 2-3 inches fron the bottom, put in baskets and sort the letters found on this page.