Make a Round Analog Clock
You can make this round analog clock that looks just like a clock you'll see in almost any home, office, or school room. A small brad is needed to fasten the hands to the clock.
Your kids can make a clock of their own! The clocks in this set include both analog and digital clocks. The types of analog clocks are wall clocks, mantle clocks, and an alarm clock. They have hour and minute hands. The digital clocks are an alarm clock and an iphone. They have a strip with three times on them. There is also a traditional watch and a digital watch. Small brads are needed to make the interactive analog clocks.
6 different styles of analog clocks, 3 different kinds of digital clocks, watches included.
Please go to his page to choose from even more 1st grade telling time worksheets.
You can make this round analog clock that looks just like a clock you'll see in almost any home, office, or school room. A small brad is needed to fasten the hands to the clock.
BRRRIINNNGGG! BRRIINNGG! Here's an analog alarm clock you can make to get you going in the morning. Color the clock, cut it and the hands out, and fasten with a brad!
Now here's an analog table clock that reminds me of days gone by. Simple and round, yet does the age old job of telling the time. Don't forget a small brad to put it all together.
This analog mantle clock looks like an antique clock you might have seen at Grandma's house. Color it nicely, cut it out carefully, and use a small brad to put the hands on it.
This square analog clock looks a bit fancy with the curved top and the little pinions. Old fashioned, yet always in style. Color, cut, and fasten the hands with a small brad.
Tired of having only a clock for kids to make. This watch is here to the rescue! It's nice and big so kids can see it well and move the hour and minute hands around. A small brad is needed.
Ever hear one of those "beep, beep, beep" sounds? It comes from one of these, a digital alarm clock. Kids color, cut out the clock, and slip the strip through so they can see the times.
This might be the first iphone your kids may have! They color the phone, cut it out, cut out the strip and thread it through the dashed line openings. Then they tell you the time!
Here's another way kids can tell time - on a digital watch! Kids color the watch, cut it out, cut the strip out and thread it through the dashed line openings, and slide the times back & forth.