Sight Words Worksheet – am, on, chair
Trace the sight words - am, on, chair. Read and write the sentence: I am on the chair. Draw a picture of yourself sitting, singing, or even dancing on a chair!
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
These sight words worksheets use three sight words to make a sentence. Children read and trace the sight words. Next, they read the sentence and rewrite it on the line in their very best printing. Lastly, they draw and color a picture that goes with the sentence. A practical example of how words are put together to make sentences. You can point out the capital letter at the beginning of each sentence and ending punctuation.
24 worksheets
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Go to this page to see more kindergarten sight word worksheets.
Trace the sight words - am, on, chair. Read and write the sentence: I am on the chair. Draw a picture of yourself sitting, singing, or even dancing on a chair!
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
We are at school. I wanna be at school! School is cool! Trace the sight words - are, at, school . Write the sentence. Draw yourself at school.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
I ate three red apples. The three featured sight words - ate, three, apples. Trace, write, and draw. Will you draw three apples or the leftover cores?Yum!
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Is it a truck, a van, or a big, fast race car? The big car is red. This sentence combines the sight words big, car, and red to appeal to little imaginations.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Kids love to play with their friends. Putting together the sight words - came, play, now - gives us this sentence: He came to play now. What fun is in store?
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
I can jump up. But the question is how high can you jump? The sight words - can, jump, up - fill your thoughts with kids like Tigger! Trace, write, & draw.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Trace the sight words - cat, ran, away. Write the sentence in your best printing. The cat ran away! Draw a picture. What is the cat running away from?
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Kids love to go to each others homes to play! Trace the sight words - come, my, house. Write this sentence: Come to my house! Draw a picture.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Can you hear the ball bouncing? I have a blue ball. Trace the sight words - have, blue, ball. Write the sentence and draw a picture. Bounce! Bounce!
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
I like this new flower. What's not to like about a newly bloomed flower? Trace the sight words - like, this, flower - and write the sentence. Draw a picture.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Baa. Baa. Look at the black sheep. Have you any wool? Trace the sight words. Write the sentence and draw a picture. Yes, sir I will!
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
The sight words - make, a, cake - mix together to bake the sentence: Please make a cake. Trace the words. Write the sentence. Draw a picture.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Sail away with this sentence: My boat is red. Trace the sight words - my, is, red. Draw a picture of a red boat (with you in it!) and write the sentence.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Think Charlotte's Web when you read the sentence: My new pig is here! Trace the sight words - new, pig, here. Write the sentence. Draw a picture.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
No frowny faces as you write the sentence: Please find my doll. Trace the sight words - please, find, doll. Draw a picture of your found doll safe with you.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
I saw four blue fish. This sentence uses the three sight words - saw, four, fish. Trace the sight words. Write the sentence. Draw a picture of fishies in the sea.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
The sight words - see, little, bird - have flown in for this sentence: See my little bird? Chirp! Chirp! Trace the words. Draw a picture of a fine feathered friend.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Can you see kids laughing and smiling? The sight words - she, funny, girl - are used in the sentence: She is a funny girl. Draw a picture of a funny girl.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Little girls are especially pretty. The sentence for this worksheet is: That girl is pretty. Trace the sight words - that, girl, pretty. Draw a picture of a beauty.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Man's best friend times 2. Ruff! Ruff! The sentence in this worksheet: Two dogs run and jump. The sight words - two, dogs, run. Trace, write, and draw.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
We see a brown nest. Can you see kinders in awe of such a discovery! The sight words - we, brown, nest - make up the featured sentence. Draw a picture!
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
The sight words - where, the, farmer - make you wonder where, o where can he be? Write the sentence. Draw a picture.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Grab your cowboy hat & saddle up: I will ride a horse. The sight words - will, ride, horse - hint at havin' fun times. Giddyup! Draw yourself on a horse.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
The yellow corn is good. Especially with butter! Trace the sight words - yellow, corn, good. Draw a picture and let's eat!
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5