Kindergarten Printing Practice
What fun! Kindergarten printing practice pages that will delight you and your kids. These pages include four sets of uppercase and lowercase letters on individual pages as well as one set with the upper and lowercase letters on the same page. All the pages have primary writing lines so your kids can practice their neatest writing possible. Dashed lined letters give kids a chance to trace a few letters, then there’s lots of room for practice.
134 worksheets – 5 sets with 26-28 worksheets each.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Go to this page to choose from all the printing worksheets on this site.
Alphabet Tracing Pages - Lowercase Letters
Time to start singing the abc song! As you peruse these alphabet tracing pages you’ll find they’re all here, from a-z, apple to zipper. Each tracing page has a picture and name of an object that begins with that letter. Kids trace the word as neatly as possible, trace the letters, and write a few more letters for practice. I would suggest at least five letters per line. Then they can color the simple pictures to their hearts content!
26 alphabet tracing pages for lowercase letters.
Alphabet Tracing Pages - Uppercase Letters
Here’s a great set of alphabet tracing pages for those little ones who are just starting to write uppercase letters on their own. Kids will enjoy the cute, sweet animals on each page. They all have a proper name so kids get practical experience using capital letters. They can practice reading the animal’s names and color them, too. After tracing the words, kids should trace the letters and write some more. I’d suggest five letters per line.
26 worksheets
Printing Practice Lower Case Letters
These worksheets are an awesome way to get in some printing practice lower case letters. Hold that pencil just so and go for it! First, trace all the letters on the first line. On the next line trace three letters and write two more. Continue the pattern until you get to the last line. Then, write the letter five times. Each letter should be traced or written at least five times on each line.
28 worksheets
Printing Practice Upper Case Letters
Practice makes perfect! These worksheets are great for printing practice upper case letters. Kids trace all the letters on the first line. Next, they trace the three letters on the second line and write two more. Repeat the process until the last line where there are no letters to trace. Kids write all the letters on this line. There should be five of the letters on each line.
28 worksheets
Printing Practice Upper and Lower Case Letters
These worksheets are perfect printing practice upper and lower case letters. Trace the letters very neatly. Write each upper and lower case letter two more times just as neatly as they were traced, if possible! Each set of letters should be written a total of three times per line. Trace and write the boy’s or girl’s name and the word neatly on the lines. Work hard and do your best. Giving your best effort always matters!
26 worksheets