Telling Time to the Hour with Big Clocks #1
Get ready to tell time! These four big clocks show the times of 1:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 11:00. What would be different if they were am or pm times?
These telling time with big clocks worksheets may be just what the doctor ordered! Big round clocks with long hands pointing to the numbers make it easier to see the time. For younger kids just beginning to tell time or kids with special needs, a large space is provided to write the times on the lines. These include three worksheets of telling time to the hour and three worksheets with telling time to the half hour. Answer sheets are included for your convenience.
6 worksheets
Please go to his page to choose from even more 1st grade telling time worksheets.
Get ready to tell time! These four big clocks show the times of 1:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 11:00. What would be different if they were am or pm times?
How do you do? Oh, I am fine! What do you know, it's just now 9! On these four big clocks you will find 9:00, along with 3:00, 6:00, and 12:00.
The hands are in place. Can you tell the time on each of these four big clocks? Look at the hour hand, then the minute hand. Write the times on the lines.
Look at this worksheet carefully. Telling time to the half hour can be trickier than the hour. They tell the times of 1:30, 5:30, 7:30 & 11:30.
Kids can tell the time to the half hour on these four large clocks. Simply look at the clocks and write the times on the lines under each one.
Have your kids show their time telling smarts by writing the times on these four large clocks. The times are 2:30, 4:30, 8:30 and 10:30.