Fry List – The Second 100
My Fry list - the second 100 comes in green and is geared primarily towards second graders. Most kids of this age can tackle learning 100 high frequency words in a years time.
CCSS RF.2.3.f
Our second grade Fry words resources come color-coordinated in a nice bright green. You’ll find the list of the second 100 Fry words and a matching assessment sheet. Have the kids read the words from the list while you track their progress by checking off the words they know on the assessment sheet. The Fry phrases – the second 100 – uses words from the second grade list in common phrases used in everyday language. We have flash cards for the words on the Fry list and the phrases.
7 resources
CCSS RF.2.3f
Go to this page to see more second grade sight word resources.
My Fry list - the second 100 comes in green and is geared primarily towards second graders. Most kids of this age can tackle learning 100 high frequency words in a years time.
CCSS RF.2.3.f
This Fry sight word assessment sheet comes in green. Four columns of 25 words each with a convenient check box for words that aren't known fluently.
CCSS RF.2.3.f
This is the plain Jane version of the Fry word flash cards - the second 100 - black and white. Eight words per page, 13 pages. For 2nd grade.
CCSS RF.2.3.f
Fry word flash cards - the second 100 - color comes in bright green. Fourteen pages, one cover page, 13 pages of flash cards, 8 words per page. For 2nd grade.
CCSS RF.2.3.f
Fry Phrases - The Second 100 lists 90 phrases or short sentences using the second 100 words from the Fry words list. Examples: Where in the world? and It's only me.
CCSS RF.2.3.f
Fry phrases flash cards - the second 100 - black and white is 23 pages long, has 90 phrases, and has four phrases per page. For 2nd grade.
CCSS RF.2.3f
Fry phrases flash cards - the second 100 comes in a nice green, has 90 phrases, four phrases per page, and is 23 pages long. Recommended for second grade.
CCSS RF.2.3f