Community Helpers Booklet
A half page booklet for kids to read and color. It has 11 characters with two sentences per page. One sentence tells who the helper is, the other sentence tells what the helper does.
I think your kids will really enjoy these community helpers booklets! Each book has two sentences. The first sentence names the job, “I am a ___.”. The second sentence describes what the helper does. For example, for a fireman it says, “I put out fires.”. One booklet is just for reading and coloring, the other includes opportunities to trace the job titles. Use all of the pages or just some. Easy to assemble. Simply print, copy, cut in half, organize the pages, and staple.
2 booklets
CCSS No specific standard
Please go to this page to choose from all our community helpers resources.
A half page booklet for kids to read and color. It has 11 characters with two sentences per page. One sentence tells who the helper is, the other sentence tells what the helper does.
This booklet has 11 helpers including a doctor, policeman, teacher & more. Read the page, trace the words describing the helper “I am a ____.” and color!