Five Senses Vocabulary Cards – b&w
Here’s a bare and basic set of five senses vocabulary cards. Use these as an art project for the kids. They’d look great colored in crayons or colored pencils! Make your own borders, too.
Perfect for use in center times or in pocket charts, these five senses vocabulary cards come in four different styles. One comes in black and white with the sensory organs, the other three come in color. One of these has images of the sensory organs, one has graphics of children exemplifying the five senses, one has both but is meant to be cut apart and matched.
4 sets of vocabulary cards, one in black and white and three in color
CCSS No specific standard
Please go to this page to choose from all the senses resources on this site.
Here’s a bare and basic set of five senses vocabulary cards. Use these as an art project for the kids. They’d look great colored in crayons or colored pencils! Make your own borders, too.
With beautifully illustrated senses and bright backgrounds, you’ve got no reason not to adopt these five senses vocabulary cards into your five senses lessons or unit!
Each child in this set of five senses vocabulary cards is exemplifying a sense: listening to music, eating an ice cream cone, reading a book, petting a cat, smelling the flowers.
This set of five senses vocabulary cards has 3 parts per card. Cut into pieces and match. The colored borders are a dead give away, but fun just the same!