Making 10 Using Tally Marks – Second Addend
In this worksheet the first addend is provided and children must fill in the second addend. Count the tally marks and draw more to make ten.
You will find a treasure trove of math worksheets on these pages! Need some counting worksheets? No problem! We’ve got all kinds. Some addition worksheets? We’ve got those, too. Geometry worksheets? Coming right up! Telling time worksheets so your kids know what time it is? Yes, we’ve got those, too. Did I mention addition and subtraction flashcards and worksheets? There are lots of those, too. So step right up, take your pick and then come back for more.
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In this worksheet the first addend is provided and children must fill in the second addend. Count the tally marks and draw more to make ten.
This worksheet really mixes things up! Kids count the tally marks and draw more to make 10 and write the number in the first or second addend.
In this worksheet the same number is used in the first addend in one problem and the second addend in the next problem. Fill in the missing addend.
This worksheet provides more practice making 10 using tally marks. These tally marks are standing straight and tall. Can you make more just as straight?
One more worksheet for that making 10 added extra practice! Count the tally marks and write how many more are needed to make ten./p>
This 3 page black and white set of printable addition flash cards has 0 as the first & second addend with sums up to 10. They’re easy peasy … all the answers are the number added to 0!
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
These blue printable addition flash cards for 0’s have 0 as the first and second addend. You’re in store for some easy practice where all the answers are the number that is not the 0!
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
Adding one is fun because the answer is always the next higher number. My printable addition flash cards for 1’s have the 1 as the first and second addend.
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
This 3 page set of printable addition flash cards comes in a pretty green. The 1 is used as the first addend and second addend for comprehensive practice. Sums up to 10.
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
Plain Jane in black and white, these printable addition flash cards for 2’s are 3 pages long. Print and send home in homework packets for extra practice at home.
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
These 3 pages of printable addition flash cards for 2’s come in a pretty raspberry color. A treat for the eyes and a treat for little ones learning their addition facts for the first time.
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
These black and white printable addition flash cards for 3’s come in a two page set. Get good at adding by practicing addition facts for 10 minutes every day.
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
Pretty in purple, my printable addition flash cards for 3’s are a two page set. Use in your math center times. Write the answers lightly on the back and have kids test each other.
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
This 2 page set of printable addition flash cards for 4’s comes in simple black and white. Use for drill and practice. Make it fun though by timing yourself!
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
This set of 4’s addition flash cards turns out to be the lucky ones in this pretty pumpkin spice color. Two pages of flash cards with sums up to 10 for thorough practice to become an addition wiz.
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5
Keep it simple Sam. Show me a set of black and white flash cards that won’t eat up all my printer ink… Here you go! Addition flash cards for 5’s with sums to 10.
CCSS K.OA.1-2, K.OA.4-5