Plane Shapes – Drawing Shapes
This worksheet gives kids the opportunity to identify the shape word and match it to the shape. Then they get to practice drawing the shape. And don’t forget to color!
CCSS K.G.A.2 & K.G.A.3
Plane shapes are “flat shapes” in two dimensions. If we look hard enough we can see these shapes all around us! Our shapes worksheets help your students identify and describe shapes and their attributes – the number of sides and corners (or vertices) – while practicing their small motor skills of drawing, coloring, and cutting. Besides using worksheets, ask your kids to look for these shapes in the environment around them, starting with the classroom. What they come up with just may surprise you!
8 worksheets
CCSS K.G.A.2, K.G.A.3, and K.G.B.4
Please go to this page to see all the kindergarten geometry worksheets.
This worksheet gives kids the opportunity to identify the shape word and match it to the shape. Then they get to practice drawing the shape. And don’t forget to color!
CCSS K.G.A.2 & K.G.A.3
In this plane shapes worksheet, kids count and write the number of corners and sides on the lines underneath each shape. Coloring is advised!
This shapes worksheet is pretty straight forward. Draw a line from a shape on the left side of the page to the matching shape on the right side. Color.
Color the shapes at the bottom of the page. Cut out along the dotted lines and glue the shapes in the matching boxes. Two shapes per box.
CCSS K.G.A.2 & K.G.A.3
Attribute blocks are needed for this worksheet. Sort the blocks and then place them in the matching box. Then draw the shape or trace it. Color.
CCSS K.G.A.2 & K.G.A.3
Attribute blocks won’t work with this page. You’ll need shape blocks with circles. Sort the shapes & place in the matching box. Draw & color!
CCSS K.G.A.2 & K.G.A.3
In this plane shapes worksheet kids color, cut and glue to show which comes next in each pattern.
These are pretty simple AB patterns. The focus is on identifying and saying the name of each shape. Draw the shape that comes next. Color.