Count to 10 – Googly-Eyed Penguins
Count out 10 googly eyes for this count to 10 worksheet. Color the penguins first, then glue on the eyes. They will definitely look a lot different afterwards!
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
We’ve rounded up a slew of kindergarten counting worksheets in all kinds of shapes and sizes! The worksheet sets are presented in a progressive manner. We start with simple one-to-one correspondence (matching) worksheets, move on to count to 3, then lots of counting to 10 worksheets (some of which use fun craft supplies), counting without starting from the number one, counting shapes, and finish up with counting to 20 and 30, and counting by 2’s to 50 and by 5’s to 100.
130 worksheets
CCSS K.CC.A.2, K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.4a, K.CC.4b, & K.CC.B.5
Please go to this page to choose from all the counting worksheets on this site.
Count out 10 googly eyes for this count to 10 worksheet. Color the penguins first, then glue on the eyes. They will definitely look a lot different afterwards!
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
You’ll need 10 pieces of cut yarn for this worksheet. Have kids color this sweet lion then give him some real hair by counting out 10 pieces of yarn and gluing them on.
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
In this 2 page counting to 10 worksheet set kids color the pictures, cut them out and glue them on the matching number.
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
In this count to 10 worksheet kids color only 10 popcorn pieces yellow. Those are the only ones with butter! The popcorn bag should be red, but any color will do.
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
For this count to 10 worksheet you’ll need both glue and silver glitter. Have kids color the picture. Put drops of glue on 10 snowflakes and cover with glitter.
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
A count to 10 worksheet that’s perfect for the 4th of July, or any time! Have kids count and color 10 stars red and 10 stars blue. All you need is fireworks!
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
Kids have three jobs in this count to 10 worksheet. Count & color 10 cherries, count & color 10 cupcakes with chocolate frosting, & count & color 10 cupcake cups yellow.
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
This kindergarten counting worksheet starts out real simple – with zero or one object per set. Write each number on the lines.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, & K.CC.B.5
Easy kindergarten counting can be found on this worksheet! Each set has zero, one, or two shapes. Count, write the number, and color.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, & K.CC.B.5
Kindergarten counting is coming along with one, two, or three shapes per set. Count each shape, write the number, and color.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, & K.CC.B.5
Review already learned kindergarten counting skills of counting to 1, 2, and 3, and now add counting to 4, too! Write the number and color.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, & K.CC.B.5
You’ve counted 2, 3, and 4 shapes in these kindergarten counting worksheets, and now it’s time to add counting to 5, too! Write and color.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, & K.CC.B.5
Check out these shapes! Count up to 6 shapes in each set. Write the numbers on the lines. Color each shape a different color.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, & K.CC.B.5
And now you have reached the magic number of 7! Count up to 7 shapes per set with this kindergarten counting worksheet.CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, & K.CC.B.5
Kindergarten counting is getting a bit more challenging now! Count up to 8 shapes in each set (WOW!), write the numbers and color.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, & K.CC.B.5
It’s taken baby steps to get to this kindergarten counting to 9 page, growing and learning along the way, now show what you can do!
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, & K.CC.B.5