Counting to 10 – Balloons
Yeah! You made it to counting to 10. Let’s celebrate with these star shaped, heart shaped, long and bumpy, and round balloons. Count them by ones or by 2’s for an extra challenge.
We’ve rounded up a slew of kindergarten counting worksheets in all kinds of shapes and sizes! The worksheet sets are presented in a progressive manner. We start with simple one-to-one correspondence (matching) worksheets, move on to count to 3, then lots of counting to 10 worksheets (some of which use fun craft supplies), counting without starting from the number one, counting shapes, and finish up with counting to 20 and 30, and counting by 2’s to 50 and by 5’s to 100.
130 worksheets
CCSS K.CC.A.2, K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.4a, K.CC.4b, & K.CC.B.5
Please go to this page to choose from all the counting worksheets on this site.
Yeah! You made it to counting to 10. Let’s celebrate with these star shaped, heart shaped, long and bumpy, and round balloons. Count them by ones or by 2’s for an extra challenge.
You made it to the end! Counting to 10 really is quite fun, especially with reptiles like these. As you’re counting think about what the turtle, snake, alligator and lizard might feel like.
Think suds and bubbles when counting the on top of the water sailboats and rubber duckies and below the surface fish and submarines!
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5
I love to walk on crisp fall days and see all the leaves scattered on the ground. You’ll find oak, birch, aspen, and maple leaves scattered on this counting objects page.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5
Are you ready to go up, up, and away? Count the hot air balloons with stripes, zigzags and more in this counting objects page.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5
Let’s count objects that will take us to the great outdoors! Ready to go camping? Count the sleeping bags, tents, canteens & lanterns.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5
In this counting objects worksheet you get to count pumpkins of all shapes and sizes – short and fat, tall, round and those cute little pumpkins.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5
You’ve found some out of this world objects to count here. Count the furry aliens, one-eyed aliens, bumpy aliens, and blob aliens. Write the numbers.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5
As you count the imaginary objects on this page let your mind think of Tinkerbell, Ariel, Puff, and … I don’t know a famous unicorn.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5
Here’s some counting objects fun: Count and make the sounds of the countdown, blast-off , flying, and crashing rockets.
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5
It’s a beautiful day for a picnic! Practice counting objects by counting the picnic baskets, sandwiches, apples and … ants?
CCSS K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5
Kids can reinforce their counting to 10 skills with this apple tree worksheet. You’ll need some crayons for this one. Color 10 apples red & 10 yellow. Look for the hungry worm!
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
You’ll need some beans for this count to 10 worksheet. Kids count out and glue the number of beans to match the number in each box. Have fun!
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
Got some brightly colored round buttons of all different sizes? They’ll be perfect for this count to 10 worksheet. Glue them in the bubbles in order.
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
Ten of these cute little fuzzy fellas will be fuzzier when you’ve glued a fuzzy ball on them. Color first, then count out 10 balls and start gluing!
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5
Bring out the sticky back jewels! You’ll need them for this worksheet. I know it will be tempting to stick a jewel on each one, but only 10 are allowed!
CCSS K.CC.B.4 & K.CC.B.5