Counting to 20 - Trace the Odd Numbers

Counting to 20 – Trace the Odd Numbers

Count one number at a time! Say them nice and loud! Which ones do you trace? Even or odd? Only the odd ones. Great for identifying and writing odd numbers.

Counting to 20 - Trace All the Numbers

Counting to 20 – Trace All the Numbers

Need a little something to fill a few minutes of time? Have some kids who need more practice counting to 20, or writing to 20? This is the worksheet for you!

Counting to 20 - Write the Odd Numbers

Counting to 20 – Write the Odd Numbers

Want practice counting by 2’s? Well here you go! But also, you can count by 1’s to 20 and write odd numbers neatly on the lines. This is just way too cool!