Color by Sight Word – See My Cat
See my cat? He’s a striped little fella, and he’s happy. I think he’s waiting for someone to color him in by sight word. I know you will if you wanna hear him purrrr.
Sight words, also called high frequency words, are words that appear in up to 75% of the texts we read. They are words that cannot be pronounced phonetically and have non-standard spelling patterns. They also cannot be represented in pictures. Beginning readers will memorize these words by sight, enabling them to concentrate on comprehension as they grow in their reading skills. Advanced readers, and/or those in upper elementary grades, benefit from these words as well, enriching their vocabulary and comprehension skills simultaneously.
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See my cat? He’s a striped little fella, and he’s happy. I think he’s waiting for someone to color him in by sight word. I know you will if you wanna hear him purrrr.
Guess what color you’re going to be using in this color by sight word worksheet. How’d you know. Oh, I guess the title is a dead give away. Have fun with this sun!
He doesn’t look ferocious, and he’s not tawny and scrawny. What word would you use to describe this lion? While you’re thinking, color him by sight word.
Go ahead. You can pet him. He won’t bite. He’ll probably lick you to death and want you to rub his tummy. But you can’t. You have to color him by sight word!
Before you color by sight word, think about what kinds of cupcakes you think these are. Then color and see if you were right.
Here is the pre-primer (pre-k) Dolch sight word list of 40 words in a bright blue in alphabetical order.
CCSS None for pre-k
My pre-primer Dolch sight words list comes in a bright cheerful blue in the order these 40 words are used most frequently.
CCSS None for pre-k
My kindergarten Dolch sight words list of 52 words in a primary green in alphabetical order.
Kindergarten Dolch sight words in a nice tidy green list in the order these 52 words are used most frequently.
This first grade Dolch sight words list comes in pink with all 41 words in alphabetical order.
CCSS RF.1.3g
Here is my first grade Dolch sight words list in a pink theme in the order these 41 words are used most frequently.
CCSS RF.1.3g
This is my second grade Dolch sight words list surrounded in purple with the 46 words in alphabetical order.
CCSS RF.2.3f
Here you will find second grade Dolch sight words in a purple theme in the order these 46 words are most frequently used.
CCSS RF.2.3f
All forty-one third grade Dolch sight words listed in alphabetical order in a nice bright orange.
CCSS RF.3.3d
Third grade Dolch sight words listed in a bright orange in the order these 41 words are most frequently used.
CCSS RF.3.3d
All 220 Dolch sight words are listed in alphabetical order in ten columns of 22 words each.
CCSS RF.K.3c, RF.1.3g, RF.2.3f, and RF.3.3d