Reading for Kindergarten – Stop Sign
We get a little serious in this kindergarten reading passage and talk about the rules of the road. Stop when you see a stop sign!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
You will find lots of kindergarten reading worksheets on the pages in this section. The worksheets were created to fit into a Guided Reading Level C category: they have 2-5 lines of text, focus on common sight words, are highly supported with pictures, and require text-based answers to the comprehension questions. However, the ways the reading comprehension questions are to be answered varies. In one set children circle the multiple choice answer, in another they bubble in the answer, and so forth. So look at each section carefully to see which one best meets your needs. Or just have fun and browse through all of them!
72 worksheets – 4 levels with 18 worksheets each, in color and black & white. Three of the four sets have answers sheets.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, & RF.K.4
Please go to this page to choose from all the reading comprehension worksheets on this site.
We get a little serious in this kindergarten reading passage and talk about the rules of the road. Stop when you see a stop sign!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
The boat in this kindergarten reading passage wants to win the race! Come on little boat. You can do it. I know you can.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
I bet you’ve never seen a reading passage for kindergarten about your own feet. Well, now you have! What can you do with them?
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
This reading worksheet for kindergarten is kinda cute. Where did the dog go? It’s not too hard to find him! He’s a funny dog.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. At least that’s the message this kindergarten reading passage is pointing out.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Cute bunnies come and cute bunnies go. Hope this kindergarten reading passage doesn’t slip away, too. Kids read & answer 2 questions.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
This might be one of the boy’s favorites of these kindergarten reading passages! Two sentences and two questions.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
This set of kindergarten reading passages wouldn’t be complete without some flowers! Two questions included.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
These kindergarten reading passages have quite a number of animals on them, but none is as ready to take a leap as this one!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten reading passages should relate to kids. Kids can read this one, answer the questions, and tell whose house they go to.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten reading passages have to be fun to keep kids engaged. Have kids make all kinds of monkey noises!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Of all of these kindergarten reading passages, none may stir as much excitement as this one! A mouse in the house! EEEkkkk!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Ahhh, the wonders of nature. Finding a nest with real live eggs! Kids read the passage, count the eggs & answer the questions.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Kindergarten reading passages should also have some astounding facts like “Oranges are orange.” Ha, ha!
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
Everybody loves these waddling friends! So here they are in these kindergarten reading passages.
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4
A little akin to peek-a-boo, this kindergarten reading passage is about who sees who without the actual “Peek-a-Boo!”
CCSS RL.K.1, RF.K.1, RF.K.4