Printing Practice – Upper Case L
Upper case L is one of the best letters of the alphabet. Without it we wouldn’t have LOVE. Trace and write the lovable and lovely upper case L five times on each line.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
You will find a treasure trove of language arts worksheets on these pages! Need some lined writing paper? No problem! We’ve got all kinds. Some reading comprehension worksheets? We’ve got those, too. Phonics worksheets? Coming right up! Printing practice to get those letters printed really well? Yes, we’ve got those, too. Did I mention sight words flashcards and sight word worksheets? There are lots of those, too. So step right up, take your pick and then come back for more.
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Alphabet Concepts about Print Phonics and Phonemic Awareness
Upper case L is one of the best letters of the alphabet. Without it we wouldn’t have LOVE. Trace and write the lovable and lovely upper case L five times on each line.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
My Mama told me to mind my manners. So mind your manners while tracing and writing the upper case M five times on each line. Focus and don’t mess with your friends.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Sit nicely and without being noisy. Concentrate on tracing and writing upper case N in a neat and nifty way five times on each line. Do your nicest work now. You know you can.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Oscar the Grouch is an an ornery character. But you can be outrageously awesome if you trace and write these oval upper case O’s in an orderly way – five times on each line.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, pease porridge in the pot nine days old. Yuck! Don’t procrastinate – Practice printing upper case P pleasingly and perfectly!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Don’t quiver and quake dear soul. Upper case Q is quite easy to make. Take out your quill (pencil) and quietly, but not quickly, trace and write the Q’s five times on each line.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Round and round and round she goes, where she stops…yes, we certainly know! Right here at this upper case R printing practice page. Get ‘riting these R’s five times per line.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Hey soul sister (or brother), it’s surely okay to sing and write upper case S’s simultaneously. Strut your stuff and sing away – write the upper case S five times per line stunningly!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
What a treat! It’s tea time! I mean…it’s T time. Time to trace and write the upper case T. You can totally rock this thing. Take out your pencil and go to town writing them down.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Don’t get in an uppity uproar over upper case U. U lovers unite and write! Uniformly trace the line down then up to the top line. Don’t underestimate the power of U (YOU!).
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Violins serenading in a garden of violets. Vases of roses and vines all around. Trace the upper case V’s and write them down. Be vibrant and valiant dancing and romancing with V.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
What a wonderful way to spend your day- practicing upper case W! Write and trace the W’s five times on each line for a Willy Wonka-like wild and crazy time. Whoo! Hoo!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
This upper case X practice page is an exercise in excellently extending yourself to trace and write the X’s five times on each line exceptionally and exuberantly.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
For 300 points: YMCA, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and You…The Jeopardy question is…What are things that start with upper case Y? You got it and 300 points! Now write the upper case Y’s.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity aye, My oh my what a wonderful day! Writing the upper case Z’s, five times on each line…It’s the truth, it’s actual, everything is satisfactual!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
All together now… and in alphabetical order! One last time to practice the upper case A – Z, this time all on one page. Concentrate hard and trace the letters neatly and precisely.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d