Things that Begin with T
Try out this items beginning with t worksheet! Enjoy the tent, top, tie, teapot, tomato, and tooth. Have kids say each word, circle the beginning t, and color.
You will find a treasure trove of language arts worksheets on these pages! Need some lined writing paper? No problem! We’ve got all kinds. Some reading comprehension worksheets? We’ve got those, too. Phonics worksheets? Coming right up! Printing practice to get those letters printed really well? Yes, we’ve got those, too. Did I mention sight words flashcards and sight word worksheets? There are lots of those, too. So step right up, take your pick and then come back for more.
800+ language arts worksheets.
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Alphabet Concepts about Print Phonics and Phonemic Awareness
Try out this items beginning with t worksheet! Enjoy the tent, top, tie, teapot, tomato, and tooth. Have kids say each word, circle the beginning t, and color.
Things that start with u on this worksheet include short u – umbrella, under, and underwear – and long u – uniform, unicycle, and unicorn. Say each word, circle each u and color.
This worksheet has some cool items beginning with v: violin, van, vest, vegetables, vine, and volcano. Say each word, circle the v, and color the pictures!
The objects that start with w on this worksheet are: window, wagon, watermelon, wheel, whale, & worm. Sound out each word, circle the w, and color!
Things that begin with x are rare. This worksheet has 6 words with an x: xylophone, x-ray, x-ray fish, ax, mix & fox. Say the word, circle the x & color.
These things starting with y are yogurt, yak, yam, yarn, yacht, and last but not least yo-yo. Say the words, circle the letter y, and color! Too much fun!
A worksheet with things that begin with z: zipper, zero, zoo, zinnia, zucchini, and zebra. Kids say the words, circle the beginning letters, and color.
Full of learning fun, these words beginning with a cards include the words acorn, airplane, alligator, ant, apple, arrow, and astronaut.
Bright & colorful, these words that start with b cards have the words ball, balloon, bat, bear, bed, bee, bell, and button. Great for initial letter sound.
These things starting with c cards include the words cake, candle, candy, car, carrot, cow, cat, and cup. Great for practicing beginning sounds!
These words starting with d cards are sure to be fun for you & your kids to use. Includes the words: dice, dinosaur, dog, doll, donut, door, dress, and duck.
Things that begin with letter e are eagle, ear, egg, elbow, elephant, elf, envelope & eraser – & those are the words on these cards! Great for beginning sounds.
Want to learn some words that start with letter f? Here you go – eight bright colorful cards with the words fan, feet, fence, fire, fish, flower, football, & fork.
Time to learn some words that start with g! Here’s some awesome cards to do just that. They have the words game, garbage, gate, ghost, gift, girl, guitar & gumballs.
Heaven help us! We’ve got to teach words starting with h. Heaven has heard! Here are h cards: hand, hamburger, hammer, hat, heart, hive, hook & house.
Here’s some words that begin with i in handy to use cards. They include the words ice cream, ice, ice cubes, igloo, iguana, ill, ink, & iron. Have fun!