Things that Begin with D
Have fun with this worksheet of things starting with the letter d. You’ll find a dog, dinosaur, duck, doll, dress and donut to read and color. Circle the beginning d.
You will find a treasure trove of language arts worksheets on these pages! Need some lined writing paper? No problem! We’ve got all kinds. Some reading comprehension worksheets? We’ve got those, too. Phonics worksheets? Coming right up! Printing practice to get those letters printed really well? Yes, we’ve got those, too. Did I mention sight words flashcards and sight word worksheets? There are lots of those, too. So step right up, take your pick and then come back for more.
800+ language arts worksheets.
CCSS All worksheets and other resources are aligned with standards as applicable.
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Alphabet Concepts about Print Phonics and Phonemic Awareness
Have fun with this worksheet of things starting with the letter d. You’ll find a dog, dinosaur, duck, doll, dress and donut to read and color. Circle the beginning d.
Here’s 6 things that begin with e: elephant, eagle, elf, egg, ear, and envelope and they’re all on this worksheet! Read the words making sure to notice the beginning e.
Join in the fun with this words that beginning with f worksheet. Say and sound out the letter f and the words feet, fish, fan, flower, football & fire. Coloring fun is required!
This worksheet of things beginning with g include pictures & words for girl, gift, ghost, gate, game & garbage. Read the words, circle the letter g and color.
The things beginning with h on this worksheet are hamburger, hammer, hat, house, heart, & hand. Say the word, circle the beginning h, & add color to the pictures.
This things that begin with i worksheet includes the words (and pictures) ice cream, iron, island, ice, igloo and iguana. Say each word, circle the i, color the picture.
Here’s a worksheet with pictures of words that start with the letter j: jeans, jar, jellyfish, jelly beans, a jack, and a jack-o-lantrn. Say the word, circle the letter j and color the pictures.
Some words that begin with the letter k are kitten, koala, king, kangaroo, key, & kite. Say the words out loud, listen for the k sound, circle each k, and color the page.
Here’s an awesome worksheet with six objects that begin with l. They are lion, lock, leaf, lemon, log, & ladybug. Kids say the words, circle the l, and color.
This things beginning with the letter m worksheet has pictures and the words for monkey, milk, moon, mop, mouse, and mug. Kids say the words, circle the beginning m, & color.
This worksheet has six things that start with an n: nuts, net, nose, nest, necklace, and nurse. Have kids say the words, circle the n, then color the pictures.
Things that start with the letter o are right here on this worksheet! They are octopus, otter, owl, ostrich, orange, & onion. Circle the beginning o and color.
I hope you and your kids have fun reading the words for these objects that begin with the letter p: pencil, pizza, pumpkin, pear, pig & pickle. Identify the beginning letter p & color.
A worksheet with with objects that begin with q: quail, quiz, quilt, quarter, queen, and quack. Read the words, circle each q, color the pictures and the Qq.
Now here’s some fun things starting with r! Rocket, rabbit, robot, rainbow, ring, and rat. Kids “read” the words, circle the r, and color the pictures.
This worksheet had six objects that start with s – a seahorse, a sock, a seal, a sailboat, a sun, & a bar of soap. Sound out the word, circle the s, and color.