Letter Identification – Letter N
With a picture of such a nice nurse, how could you not have a nice time with this worksheet? Find the N’s and color her pretty. 🙂 Did you notice a hidden sight word?
You will find a treasure trove of language arts worksheets on these pages! Need some lined writing paper? No problem! We’ve got all kinds. Some reading comprehension worksheets? We’ve got those, too. Phonics worksheets? Coming right up! Printing practice to get those letters printed really well? Yes, we’ve got those, too. Did I mention sight words flashcards and sight word worksheets? There are lots of those, too. So step right up, take your pick and then come back for more.
800+ language arts worksheets.
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Alphabet Concepts about Print Phonics and Phonemic Awareness
With a picture of such a nice nurse, how could you not have a nice time with this worksheet? Find the N’s and color her pretty. 🙂 Did you notice a hidden sight word?
This worksheet for identifying the letter O is serving up something sweet…an orange of course! Find all the O’s and color the orange…orange, of course!
There’s a pretty happy pig on this identify the letter worksheet for the letter p. He’s eager for you to search for and find every p on the page! Then you can color him pink.
Letter recognition for Q is quite quaint with the picture of the quiet queen. Find each q in the picture frame and the sentence and color the queen.
Step right up and see this letter recognition worksheet for the letter r! Kids search for the letter in the picture frame and the sentence about a pet rabbit.
S is for sailing a sailboat on the sea. And it’s for this letter s recognition worksheet! Find every simple and silly s, circle it, and color the sailboat and the sea.
Your kids are sure enjoy this letter t recognition worksheet. They find and circle the letter in the frame and the sentence and color the spinning top.
Recognizing the letter u is the order of the day on this worksheet. Find and circle every u (they’re in different fonts) and the hidden sight word. Color the umbrella.
Honing in on your skills for recognizing letters? This is the best spot for working on your v’s. Find every v (and the sight word “to”) in the frame and the sentence and circle them.
Identifying the letters is the first order of business in this letter w worksheet. Find and circle every w in the frame and the sentence. Color the picture.
Will you be able to find every x (& the sight word “be”) in this recognize the letters worksheet? I’ll be you can. The letters form a frame and the picture has an x-ray.
Kids will have a ton of fun with identifying the letters in this worksheet. Can they find every y? Circle them all. Look for the sight word “so” in the frame, too.
A cool letter recognition worksheet for z. Kids look for and find every z in the picture frame and the sentence and then color. Can they find the sight word “he”, too?
There’s a wide-eyed alligator on this letter a looks like sounds like worksheet looking at you. He wants you to come write the letter Aa and draw and color an a word!
What a brilliant idea! A letter b worksheet! Kids trace and write the letter Bb and draw a picture of a b word. What could be better?
You and the cute cat on this letter c looks like sounds like page can do an awesome job writing the letter c and drawing a c word. Coloring is encouraged!