Things that Start with G Cards
Time to learn some words that start with g! Here’s some awesome cards to do just that. They have the words game, garbage, gate, ghost, gift, girl, guitar & gumballs.
A, B, C, D…. every child loves to learn their alphabet letters! Use the variety of bright and colorful resources on this page to help them along. Post the letters on your classroom bulletin boards, use them when teaching lessons for each letter, or use them for matching games and putting the letters in the sequential order. Post them on a white board and have kids use a pointer to identify the letter you call out. Use your imagination and have fun with these resources!
220+ resources
Go to this page to choose from all of our language arts resources.
Time to learn some words that start with g! Here’s some awesome cards to do just that. They have the words game, garbage, gate, ghost, gift, girl, guitar & gumballs.
Heaven help us! We’ve got to teach words starting with h. Heaven has heard! Here are h cards: hand, hamburger, hammer, hat, heart, hive, hook & house.
Here’s some words that begin with i in handy to use cards. They include the words ice cream, ice, ice cubes, igloo, iguana, ill, ink, & iron. Have fun!
Have a hard time thinking of things starting with the letter j? Here’s some good ones: jacks, jack-o-lantern, jam, jar, jeans, jelly beans, jelly fish, & juice.
Kinda in need of some words starting with a k? Well, here you go! Some bright & happy cards with kangaroo, ketchup, key, kids, king, kite, kitten & koala.
Letter l is so lovely…and here’s some words that begin with l cards for your letter of the week: ladder, ladybug, lamp, leaf, lemon, lion, lock, and log.
These words that start with letter m cards are just so special! They’re calling to you..come see the words milk, mitten, monkey, moon, mop, mouse, mug & mushroom.
Can you name some words starting with the letter n? Need a little help? These cards are for you: nail, neck, necklace, nest, net, nose, nurse, and nuts.
O thank goodness! Some really cute things starting with o cards! They have the words olive, oar, octopus, onion, orange, ostrich, otter and owl.
Here’s some things starting with the letter p: paint, pear, pencil, pickle, pig, pizza, pumpkin, & puzzle. You can practice your p sounds with these cool cards!
The most common things that begin with q are right here on these quaint & colorful cards: quack, quail, quarter, queen, question mark, quill, quilt, & quiz.
O happy day! You just found some awesome words beginning with r cards. Great for beginning sounds: rabbit, rainbow, rake, rat, ring, robot, rocket, and rose.
The words starting with the letter s on these cute cards are sailboat, saw, seahorse, seal, soap, sock, sun, & sunflower. Great to use for beginning letter sounds!
What a terrific treasure you’ve turned up! All these words beginning with t: taco, teapot, tent, tie, tomato, tooth, top, & turtle. Cute cards! Great fun!
Use these things that begin with the letter u cards to practice beginning sounds. The words are: umbrella, umpire, under, underwear, unicorn, unicycle, uniform, and upstairs.
You’ll find 8 words stating with v on these happy, welcoming cards. The words are valley, van, vase, vegetables, vest, vine, violin & volcano. Have fun!