Letter Q Looks Like Sounds Like Worksheet
A fun letter q worksheet! Kids trace and write the letter Qq and they get to draw something that starts with q next to the quail. Have fun!
Need a quick worksheet that employs more than one skill? These alphabet letter looks like sounds like worksheets do just that. Each worksheet will take about 10-15 minutes to complete and employs at least four of your kid’s skills: writing, drawing, coloring, and reinforcing their knowledge of the alphabet. Kids trace and write the letters and draw a picture of something that starts with each letter. There’s already a picture of an animal on each page to give the kids an example of the letter sound.
26 worksheets
CCSS RF.K.1.D, RF.K.3.A, RF.K.3.B & L.K.1.A
Go to this page to see even more alphabet worksheets.
A fun letter q worksheet! Kids trace and write the letter Qq and they get to draw something that starts with q next to the quail. Have fun!
The letter r is really right on! Kids get to practice writing the letter to show what it looks like and then the get to draw a picture of of an r word, but not a rabbit because there’s already one on the page!
A letter s worksheet that combines letter tracing and writing with the sound of the letter. Think of a word that starts with s, draw it and color it next to the slithering snake!
A nifty worksheet that combines tracing and writing the letter Tt with coming up with another object that begins with t. Drawing, coloring, tracing and writing letters all on one page.
A neato burrito letter u worksheet. Kids trace and write the uppercase and lowercase Uu, draw a picture of something that starts with u, and color.
This letter v worksheet has a picture of a vulture. Can your kids draw something else that starts with v? Trace and write the upper and lower case letters, too.
The cute little whale on this letter w worksheet pulls you in with his cut grin. So go ahead, print out this page and have your kids write the letters, color the whale, and draw something else that starts with w.
A nice addition to your letter x lessons, this worksheet gives your kids the opportunity to write the letter x and draw a picture of something else that starts with the letter x.
This is a great worksheet for putting together both what the letter y looks like and what it sounds like. Please have your students trace the letters and draw a picture of an object that starts with y.
A fun worksheet for kids to practice writing the upper case and lowercase letter z. Kids can draw a picture of something else that starts with z.