Same and Different – Things in Nature
From the sun and moon to the trees, to big and small creatures, this same and different worksheet has it all! Color the objects in each set that are the SAME.
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
Over 1,300 kinder worksheets.
Please go to our Main Kindergarten Worksheets Page to see and choose from the entire selection of worksheets.
From the sun and moon to the trees, to big and small creatures, this same and different worksheet has it all! Color the objects in each set that are the SAME.
EEEKKKK! Don’t be afraid of these creepy crawly creatures. Color then cut them out. Count and glue next to the matching numbers. Trace the numbers.
This sorting numbers worksheet will get you thinkin’ about packin’ for a day at the beach! Color, cut out, and glue next to the matching numbers.
Here’s a sorting numbers worksheet for the fall! Color the pumpkins. Cut out along the dotted lines. Count and glue pumpkins next to the matching number.
Sorting shapes can be fun! Just look around your house and see what kinds of shapes you see. You’ll find some on this worksheet.
CCSS K.MD.B.3, K.G.A.1 & K.G.A.2
Sorting shapes is fun when you get to use pattern blocks and your creative imagination! Put some of the blocks in each space and create a new shape!
CCSS K.MD.B.3, K.G.A.2 & K.G.B.3
Here is the pre-primer (pre-k) Dolch sight word list of 40 words in a bright blue in alphabetical order.
CCSS None for pre-k
My pre-primer Dolch sight words list comes in a bright cheerful blue in the order these 40 words are used most frequently.
CCSS None for pre-k
My kindergarten Dolch sight words list of 52 words in a primary green in alphabetical order.
Kindergarten Dolch sight words in a nice tidy green list in the order these 52 words are used most frequently.
This is a list of all 95 Dolch nouns. These words were commonly used nouns in the time Edward Dolch did his sight words research in the 1930’s, but are still applicable today.
CCSS RF.K.3c, RF.1.3g, RF.2.3f, and RF.3.3d
Dolch phrases are served right up on two pages of a pretty color blue. Three columns per page with 25 words per column. Each common phrase uses at least one Dolch sight word.
CCSS RF.K.3c, RF.1.3g, RF.2.3f, and RF.3.3d
This set of Dolch sight words flash cards – pre-primer has 40 words, 5 pages, 8 words per page. For 4-5 year olds.
CCSS None for pre-K
These Dolch sight words flash cards – pre-primer – in blue have 40 words for children of preschool age. Six pages, 8 words per page.
CCSS None for pre-K
These Dolch sight words flash cards – primer – contain 52 sight words just for kindergarteners. Seven pages, 8 words per page.
These Dolch sight words flash cards – primer – in green contain 52 sight words for kinder or first, 5-6 year olds. Eight pages, 8 words per page.