Between – Numbers 1–10
Fingers can be used to count in this between worksheet. Of course, unless the teacher says so! Kids write the numbers that come between the numbers given. Color.
CCSS None specifically
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
Over 1,300 kinder worksheets.
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Fingers can be used to count in this between worksheet. Of course, unless the teacher says so! Kids write the numbers that come between the numbers given. Color.
CCSS None specifically
Try to see if kids can fill in the blanks without looking at the alphabet. Here’s where the abc song comes in handy! Write the lower case letters between the letters given.
CCSS None specifically
For this between worksheet you’ll need alphabet letters in order for kids to look at. Kids write the upper case letters that come between the letters given.
CCSS None specifically
Have a go at these stacked apples! Color the top apple green, the middle apples yellow, and the bottom apples red, like a traffic light. Fill them in nice and full and make them yummy looking!
Now we all know how a snowman is stacked – the big snowball on the bottom, the medium snowball in the middle, and the small snowball on the top. Have fun cutting and gluing!
Put a circle around the top star, cross out the middle stars, and put squares around the bottom stars. Then comes the fun part. Color them all in whatever color you want!
Now here’s a good one! Cut and glue the parts to make a sub sandwich! The flat bread goes on the bottom, the fixin’s in the middle, and the thick rounded bun on the top!
We see them every day. Can the kids remember which colors go on the top, middle, and bottom? Quiz them first! Color the top red, the middle yellow and the bottom green.
In this big and small worksheet kids draw a line matching the big objects with the word “big” and the small objects with the word “small”. Color.
Tigers and cookies and grapes, oh, my! In this big and small worksheet children draw a line from the big object to the matching small object and color.
Take a look at these ocean creatures under the sea! Circle only the the big ocean creatures in this big and small worksheet. Color all the creatures.
Hoppers, cluckers, and nose twitchers are the subjects of this same and different worksheet. Simply circle the animal in each set that is DIFFERENT. Color.
Apples, peaches, plums an more grace this same and different worksheet. Circle the piece of fruit that is DIFFERENT in each set. Name the fruit. Color.
Circles, squares, diamonds and hexagons come all together on this same and different worksheet. Circle the shape in each set that is DIFFERENT. Color.
This same and different worksheet has four sets of marine life – whales, seahorses, starfish, and more! Color the marine life in each set that are the SAME.
This same and different worksheet has four sets of objects that are similar in one way or another. Color the objects in each set that are the SAME.