Addition Problems – Sums between 6 & 10 – #2
Twenty addition problems with sums between 6 & 10. Use the line to score the number of problems solved correctly.
CCSS K.OA.1, K.OA.2, and K.OA.4
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Twenty addition problems with sums between 6 & 10. Use the line to score the number of problems solved correctly.
CCSS K.OA.1, K.OA.2, and K.OA.4
Solve the 20 addition problems with sums between 6 and 10. Write the correct score at the top of the page.
CCSS K.OA.1, K.OA.2, and K.OA.4
Make 10 with these nice sized ten frames. Kids make circles in the ten frame to make ten and write that number in the first addend. Answer sheet included.
Making ten can be done in many different ways and using ten frames is one of them! Fill in the missing second addend and the ten frames. Answer sheet included.
Making 10 using ten frames is a cool way to find sums to ten. Draw in the missing circles and color them. Write the missing addend. Answer sheet included.
In this make 10 worksheet the same number is switched from the first addend to the second addend. Answer sheet included.
This opposite addends make 10 worksheet shows the commutative property of addition. Fill in the ten frame and the missing addend.
Ready for the big reveal? Problems like 6 + 4 and 4 + 6 both equal 10! Fill in the circles and missing addend in each make 10 problem.
This making 10 worksheet is for kids just beginning to add up to ten. Twelve problems, starting with 1 + __ = 10 and going to 9 + __ = 10.
A knight in shining armor to the rescue! He’ll help your kids make ten by figuring out the first addend in these 12 problems.
Introducing a sweet princess who is here to cheer kids on to make ten. Fill in the first or second addend in these twelve problems.
Come to the royal castle and get a tour of these making 10 addition problems. Stroll through these 15 problems and fill in the 2nd addend.
Grab the armor and fight the good fight! Do your very best to fill in the 15 blanks in the first addends in this making ten worksheet.
Suited up and sword ready! This cute soldier is ready for battle. Make sure your kids are ready to practice their addition facts to make 10 in these 15 problems.
What! Are these boys crazy? Why duel it out when they can help kids practice make ten with these 24 problems?
Why slay the dragon when you can train him to be your pet? Better yet, train yourself to know all your making ten facts by heart! You can start with this page of 24 problems.