Simple Addition – Sand Dollars
Sums to 10. Kids will enjoy adding the sand dollars in this simple addition worksheet. Why are they called dollars when they’re in the shape of coins?
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
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Sums to 10. Kids will enjoy adding the sand dollars in this simple addition worksheet. Why are they called dollars when they’re in the shape of coins?
Sums to 5. Dolls are center stage in this adding 1 worksheet. Count and add the dolls. Write the addends and the sums neat as can be on the primary writing lines. Color.
Sums to 5. This adding 1 worksheet uses pictures of charming pandas for addition practice. Count the pandas and write the addends and the sums on the primary writing lines.
Sums to 7. Score a home run on this add 1 worksheet! Count the baseballs. Hit it out of the park by writing the addends and the correct sums on the lines.
Sums to 7. Yummy donuts with sprinkles grace this add 1 worksheet. Count the donuts and write the addends and the sums on the lines.
Sums to 9. Count the clovers in this add 1 worksheet. Write the addends and the sums up to 9 on the primary writing lines.
Sums to 9. The little pumpkins on this add 1 worksheet come in many different configurations. Count the pumpkins and write the addends on the lines. Then add them up.
Sums to 10. These crazy ants are all lined up in marching formations. Count them, add 1, and in an orderly fashion, neatly write the addends and the sums on the lines.
Sums to 10. Polka dotted lady bugs all lined up in rows look like they are ready for some serious adding in this adding 1 worksheet. Count ’em up and total ’em up!
Sums to 10. For the warmer seasons…sea shells adorn this adding 1 worksheet. No more adding with pictures. Add 1 and write the sums on the lines. Color the sea shells.
Sums to 10. For the colder seasons…snowflakes have fallen onto this adding 1 worksheet! It’s harder to add when the 1 comes first. Write the sums on the lines.
CCSS K.OA.1 and K.OA.4
Sums to 5. Parakeets have flown in to perch on this add 2 worksheet. They are better in pairs – they get lonely. Add 2 by writing the addends and sums.
Sums to 5. Color in your favorite flavors for these yummy looking waffle cones on this add 2 worksheet. Count the cones. Write the addends and the sums on the lines.
Sums to 7. Add 2 on this pinwheel-filled worksheet. Count the pinwheels and write the addends. Add them up and write the total on the lines. Check your answer – count the sums.
Sums to 7. These little guys are floating by to help with addition! Add 2 in this underwater themed worksheet. Write the numbers neatly and carefully on the lines.
Sums to 10. These fine feathered friends have come to help with this add 2 worksheet. Don’t lay an egg! Count up the hens, write the addends then the sums neatly as can be.