Medium Alphabet Letters ABCD – Plaid and Polka Dot
This medium alphabet letters ABCD page is the first in the set of medium alphabet letters in plaid and polka dot. See and print out all the pages!
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
Over 1,300 kinder worksheets.
Please go to our Main Kindergarten Worksheets Page to see and choose from the entire selection of worksheets.
This medium alphabet letters ABCD page is the first in the set of medium alphabet letters in plaid and polka dot. See and print out all the pages!
Page number two of my medium alphabet letters EFGH. Together with the rest of the letters you’ll have a cheery addition to your classroom.
Print, cut, laminate, and have kids put these medium alphabet letters IJKL (with the rest of this set) in alpha order. Perfect for little hands.
Kids can use these medium alphabet letters MNOP with the rest of the set to spell newly learned words or to identify the letters.
Pass the letters out. Call a color. Kids with that color have to tell you the name of the letter – including these medium alphabet letters QRST.
These medium alphabet letters UVWX, along with the other brightly colored letters, posted on the walls, will make your room come alive!
The last of the letters in this size – medium alphabet letters YZ. Put them together and what have you got? Bibbity bobbity boo! The whole alphabet!
Small alphabet letters ABCDEFGH coordinate with the medium and big sized letters on this site. Use for practicing letter names & sounds.
Have kids use these small alphabet letters IJKLMNOP and the rest of the set in your home or classroom to put letters in alpha order.
These small alphabet letters QRSTUVWX are the perfect size for little hands. Use with the rest of the same sized letters on this site.
Have kids use these small alphabet letters YZ and the rest of the set to identify letter names and to tell which ones are vowels and which ones are consonants.
The first page of this set of very small alphabet letters A-P rounds out our collection of these brightly colored plaid and polka dot letters.
The last page of this set of very small alphabet letters Q-Z rounds out our collection of these brightly colored plaid and polka dot letters.
Sums to 3. Here’s a few things to remember for a day in the sun: suntan lotion, sunglasses, and a sun hat for protection. Add these items and write the sums on the lines.
Sums to 3. You can never get enough of the pure nutrition that comes from whole foods, that includes fruits that grow on trees – apples, peaches, oranges, and pears. Add them up and write how many.
Sums to 5. Follow the steps in this worksheet to grow a garden. When you have sunlight, plant the seeds, water them and viola!…flowers. Count the suns, seed packets, watering cans and flowers.