polka dot letters - lowercase s

Polka Dot Letters – Lowercase s

Polka dot letters lowercase s comes in red with white polka dots surrounded by a bright yellow frame. She looks very serious. She’s ready for some studying of the s sound!

polka dot letters - lowercase t

Polka Dot Letters – Lowercase t

Here’s polka dot letters lowercase t chugging along the track, another car in the train of dotted and spotted alphabet letters to be wound around your classroom walls.

polka dot letters - lowercase u

Polka Dot Letters – Lowercase u

I hope you understand that lowercase u comes after lowercase t but before lowercase v in this polka dot letters set. Guess what … they go in the same order in every alphabet!

polka dot letters - lowercase v

Polka Dot Letters – Lowercase v

Lowercase v can be quite vague, but not in this polka dot letters alphabet set! In yellow with white dots, it will shine like the sun, not disappear into the background.

polka dot letters - lowercase w

Polka Dot Letters – Lowercase w

Polka dot letters lowercase w is red and wild and in charge! She’s goin’ the extra mile to get you to the end of the alphabet … only 3 more letters to go!

polka dot letters - lowercase x

Polka Dot Letters – Lowercase x

I think this polka dot letters lowercase x is kinda cute. It’s such a pretty blue – my favorite blue at that! – with white polka dots and a red ribbon framing it on this page.

polka dot letters - lowercase y

Polka Dot Letters – Lowercase y

This polka dot letters lowercase y looks a little bit nutty. The polka dots seem to go every which way on the y. But thanks to the blue lined frame it all seems to solidly sit together.

polka dot letters - lowercase z

Polka Dot Letters – Lowercase z

Lowercase z all polka dot and schnazzy is here to zip and sizzle you just as you finish the alphabet. There’s no stopping here! Go back to the polka dot a and start all over again.