CVC Word Cards – od Words
Light green cvc word cards of -od words with all the words in the -od word family: cod, God, nod, pod, rod, sod. This word card set has four pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
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Light green cvc word cards of -od words with all the words in the -od word family: cod, God, nod, pod, rod, sod. This word card set has four pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Yellow cvc word cards of -og words with all the words in the -og word family: bog, cog, dog, fog, hog, jog, log. This word card set has four pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Light orange cvc word cards of -on words with all the words in the -on word family: Don, Jon, Ron. This word card set has three pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Orange cvc word cards of -op words with all the words in the -op word family: bop, cop, hop, lop, mop, pop, top. This word card set has four pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Red cvc word cards of -ot words with all the words in the -ot word family: cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot, tot. This word card set has six pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Pink cvc word cards of -ub words with all the words in the -ub word family: cub, hub, nub, rub, sub, tub. This word card set has four pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Pink cvc word cards of -ud words with all the words in the -ud word family: bud, cud, dud, and mud. This word card set has three pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Dark pink cvc word cards of -ug words with all the words in the -ug word family: bug, dug, hug, jug, lug, mug, pug, rug and tug. This word card set has 5 pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Blue cvc word cards of -um words with all the words in the -um word family: bum, gum, hum, mum, sum, and yum. This word card set has four pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Bright blue cvc word cards of -un words with all the words in the -un word family: bun, fun, gun, nun, pun, run, and sun. This word card set has four pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Light blue cvc word cards of -up words with all the words in the -up word family: cup and pup. This word card set has two pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Teal blue cvc word cards of -us words with all the words in the -us word family: bus and Gus. This word card set has two pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Green cvc word cards of -ut words with all the words in the -ut word family: but, cut, gut, hut, jut, nut, and rut. This word card set has four pages with two words per page.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
You can catch some altitude and soar while learning your alphabet letters starting with this alphabet poster of lowercase a.
Have you been buzzing around looking for the perfect alphabet set? Well buzz no further! This alphabet poster of lowercase b is just what the bee is buzzing for!
What a cutie for a caterpillar with his body all curvy and round! He’s paired together with this striped lowercase c to make this special alphabet poster just for you.