CVC Words List -am Words
A teal blue cvc words list of -am words with all the words in the -am word family: bam, dam, ham, jam, Pam, ram, Sam, and yam Have kids use a pointer and read every word aloud together.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
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A teal blue cvc words list of -am words with all the words in the -am word family: bam, dam, ham, jam, Pam, ram, Sam, and yam Have kids use a pointer and read every word aloud together.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A bright green cvc words list of -an words with all the words in the -an word family: ban, can, Dan, fan, Jan, man, Nan, pan, ran, tan, van. Make a fun rhyme out of all these -an words.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A light green cvc words list of -ap words with all the words in the -ap word family: cap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, tap, and zap. Create a song out of all these rhyming words!
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
This orange cvc words list of -at words with all the words in the -at word family: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, Pat, rat, sat, and vat. Read a simple story to your kids with all of the -at words in it.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
This orange cvc words list of -ed words with all the words in the -ed word family: bed, fed, led, Ned, red, Ted, and wed. Make up some nonsense words that also end in -ed.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A red-orange cvc words list of -eg words with all the words in the -eg word family: beg, leg, Meg, and peg. Here’s a challenge: Write stories using all the -eg words in a different order.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A pink cvc words list of -en words with all the words in the -en word family: Ben, den, hen, Jen, Ken, Len, men, pen, ten, yen, and Zen. Can you make more words with -en endings?
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A hot pink cvc words list of -et words with all the words in the -et word family: bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet, and yet. That’s a lot of words! Can you whistle all of them?
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A dark pink cvc words list of -ib words with all the words in the -ib word family: bib, fib, and rib. Have fun and create more -ib words! The sillier the better if you ask me.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A lavender cvc words list of -id words with all the words in the -id word family: bid, did, hid, kid, lid, and rid. Here’s a good idea! Have your kids write these words in rainbow colors.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A lavender cvc words list of -ig words with all the words in the -ig word family: big, dig, fig, gig, jig, pig, rig, and wig. You and your kids can write these words with your finger in the air.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A deep blue cvc words list of -im words with all the words in the -im word family: dim, him, Jim, Kim, rim, and Tim. Say the beginning sound and have kids tell you the whole word.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A bright blue cvc words list of -in words with all the words in the -in word family: bin, fin, kin, pin, sin, tin, and win. Great book – “There Once was a Man Named Michael Finnegan”!
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A light blue cvc words list of -ip words with all the words in the -ip word family: dip, hip, lip, rip, sip, tip, yip, and zip. These are good words for a dog story: “Zip your lip and don’t yip!”
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A teal blue cvc words list of -it words with all the words in the -it word family: bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, sit, wit, and zit. Cover the -it with a post it note, have kids say the word and take post it away.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2
A bright green cvc words list of -ob words with all the words in the -ob word family: Bob, cob, gob, job, lob, mob, rob, and sob. Say a word on the list and have a child point to it.
CCSS RF.K.2 and RF.1.2