plane shape - hexagon - smile

Plane Shape – Hexagon – Smile

Did you catch that smile? This little guy is lookin’ at you! A plane shape hexagon shape card for you to delight in. Print him out & put him where you can see his smile all day.

plane shape - octagon - bw

Plane Shape – Octagon – b&w

Please STOP here! It’s a stop sign shape, a plane shape, an octagon! Truth be told, it’s a plain Jane version of my octagon shape cards in black and white. Plain and simple.

plane shapes - octagon - color

Plane Shape – Octagon – Color

What? A blue octagon? Shouldn’t it be red? Yes, it should be, but blue was the only color available. Please enjoy this plane shape card of an octagon. Great for learning shapes.

plane shape - octagon - smile

Plane Shape – Octagon – Smile

Smile! You’re on Candid Camera (oh gosh, that dates me!). Smile for the selfie (now that’s more like it). No need for a photo, just print this plane shape octagon & use as a shape card.

plane shape - oval - bw

Plane Shape – Oval – b&w

At first glance, this looks like an egg, but alas, it’s just an oval. Grab this nice big oval plane shape card in black and white.

plane shape - oval - color

Plane Shape – Oval – Color

Well this big oval is all dressed up a perky purple! All dressed up and a place to go? Yes, this plane shape card can go with you … to your classroom!

plane shape - oval - smile

Plane Shape – Oval – Smile

Resembling someone with a long thinner face, this plane shape card of an oval looks friendly and happy. And he’s in purple. Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to color faces purple?

plane shape - parallelogram b&w

Plane Shape – Parallelogram – b&w

This plane shape parallelogram looks like a square that’s on the move with it’s slanted lines. Post by the square and have kids say how they’re different.

plane shape - pentagon - b&w

Plane Shape – Pentagon – b&w

Everyone likes the plane shape of a pentagon. It reminds us of a house. Just add some windows and a door and you’re at home. This one would like to be at home with you!

plane shape - pentagon - color

Plane Shape – Pentagon – Color

All I know is that girls just wanna have fun. The bright green plane shape pentagon looks like she’s ready to burst with laughter and fun! Let the excitement rub off on you.

plane shape - shape cards - pentagon - smile

Plane Shape – Pentagon – Smile

Would you just stop smiling already? … The bright green smiley faced pentagon on this plane shapes shape card just can’t contain himself. He wants to be a show off in your class!

plane shape - rectangle - b&w

Plane Shape – Rectangle – b&w

I’m going to say right off the bat that rectangles are not boring. They make up all the fun things we play with like blocks and Legos. Have fun with this plane shape card, too.

plane shape - rectangle - color

Plane Shape – Rectangle – Color

Well, I think you’re right. This one definitely is tall, dark and handsome. I think this plane shape would love it if you took him, not home, but to your classroom!

plane shape- rectangle - smile

Plane Shape – Rectangle – Smile

A welcome addition to any shape card set, this plane shape rectangle is grinning from ear to ear (figuratively speaking, of course!) because he’s just happy to be a … rectangle.