Number Cards Matching Game – Number 1
You’re gonna love these brightly colored number cards for the number one! With a bow, a green dice, dominoes and more, there’s plenty here.
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
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You’re gonna love these brightly colored number cards for the number one! With a bow, a green dice, dominoes and more, there’s plenty here.
Two waving caterpillars are trying to get your attention! Look at these really cool number cards for the number 2. Gosh, they’re so pretty, too! Go ahead, print it out.
For you the orange stars are brightly shining and the base ten blocks have stacked up to 3, all in this number cards matching game page for the number 3.
This number 4 number cards page has plenty to match and sort – base ten blocks, dominoes, ten frames, dice … and four purple furry monsters! What fun!
On the number card for the number 5 we got to cross the tallys! Join the fun. Count 5 by ten frames, base ten blocks and by reading the number “five”.
This number cards page shows 6 by starting to fill in the second row of the ten frame, adding another tally to the set, and another base ten block, too.CCSS K.CC.A.3
If the bright green dice on this number cards page doesn’t catch your attention, the yummy looking cupcakes probably will. See how 7 is shown 8 ways!CCSS K.CC.A.3
Did you know if you roll doubles (like the dice on these number cards) that you get to roll a second time when playing Monopoly? Well now you do!CCSS K.CC.A.3
These number cards show ways to make 9: 6 & 3 on the dice, 5 & 4 tally marks and base ten blocks, 7 & 2 on the dominoes, and 10 minus 1 in the ten frame.CCSS K.CC.A.3
These number cards show the magic number of 10! Kids can count the ten frames, base ten blocks and more. But look at the books. Can they count them by 2’s?CCSS K.CC.A.3
Number 11 on these number cards adds another ten frame to the mix. If you count with your fingers you need to start over counting with the first hand.CCSS K.CC.A.3
Another stylish and groovy number cards page. This time for the wonderful number 12. What is your favorite way to see 12? Tally marks or dominoes?
Number 13 on these number cards is no reason to be a bit superstitious. It’s just as cheery as all the others and provides learning and fun!
The spaces on the cards is filling up as the number cards numbers get higher and higher. More tally marks, more objects, and more counting practice!
Three sets of five and five sets of three. Take a good look at how the number 15 is shown in these number cards. See how many ways you can find.
For the number 16 number cards a second set of dominoes had to be added and a third row of ten frames has started to be filled in. We’re getting up there!