Things that Start with D Cards
These words starting with d cards are sure to be fun for you & your kids to use. Includes the words: dice, dinosaur, dog, doll, donut, door, dress, and duck.
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
Over 1,300 kinder worksheets.
Please go to our Main Kindergarten Worksheets Page to see and choose from the entire selection of worksheets.
These words starting with d cards are sure to be fun for you & your kids to use. Includes the words: dice, dinosaur, dog, doll, donut, door, dress, and duck.
Things that begin with letter e are eagle, ear, egg, elbow, elephant, elf, envelope & eraser – & those are the words on these cards! Great for beginning sounds.
Want to learn some words that start with letter f? Here you go – eight bright colorful cards with the words fan, feet, fence, fire, fish, flower, football, & fork.
Kinda in need of some words starting with a k? Well, here you go! Some bright & happy cards with kangaroo, ketchup, key, kids, king, kite, kitten & koala.
This set of printable alphabet flashcards is plain and simple – clean, crisp, traditional fonts with the uppercase and lowercase letters on the same card. 7 pages with 26 cards.
These letter flash cards have upper case and lower case letters on separate cards. The letter are on primary writing lines so kids can see how the letters are to be written. 13 pages with 52 flash cards.
Annie Ant is your partner in crime on this alphabet tracing page for uppercase A. Trace her name and the A’s, practice more A’s and color!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Buzzy Bee is just buzzing by to help you with alphabet tracing, especially the uppercase B. Trace his name, all the B’s, practice some more and color!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
This sweet little Callie Cat is sitting pretty for you while you trace her name, all the C’s, and practice some more. Color her please she says!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Dudley Dog is such a happy fella! He’ll be even happier if you trace his name, the uppercase D’s, and write some more. He’d love to be colored, too!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Eva Elephant is a gentle baby elephant for alphabet tracing uppercase E. Show her how tracing and writing E is done. Then color her in nice and pretty!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Freddie Fish is swimming by and visiting this alphabet tracing page. He’ll give you a high five fin if you do an awesome job tracing the F’s!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Look who came by! It’s Gail Giraffe! She’s gonna help you with this alphabet tracing page. She’ll cheer you on as you write her name and lots of G’s.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
Harry Hippo is a fun lovin’ fella! Can you see his mouth movin’? He’s tellin’ you how to trace and write the uppercase H. Have lots of fun with Harry!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
O.K., so Iggy looks a little spaced out, I know. But he’ll be a good friend to help you with this alphabet tracing page. Show him some lovin’. He needs it!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d
This alphabet tracing page for uppercase J has Jay Jellyfish on it. He’s here to help you gracefully trace his name, the J’s, and write more J’s on your own.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d