Community Helper Description – Nurse
This community helper works in a hospital or office, takes your temperature, asks you how you feel, and helps you to get better … who is she? A nurse!
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
Over 1,300 kinder worksheets.
Please go to our Main Kindergarten Worksheets Page to see and choose from the entire selection of worksheets.
This community helper works in a hospital or office, takes your temperature, asks you how you feel, and helps you to get better … who is she? A nurse!
This community helper wears a uniform, drives a car or a motorcycle, can face dangerous situations, and works to keep us safe … who is he? A policeman.
This community helper spends most of the day with kids, reads to you and with you, gives you assignments, plans fun things for you to do … who is she? A teacher!
This community helper drives in a big noisy truck, works with smelly & dirty things, does a lot of lifting, & takes things away … who is he? A trash collector!
This community helper works in an office with animals all day, looks them over really well, takes their temperature, and gives medicine to make them better … who is he? A vet!
This community helper works in a place where you eat, he takes your order, serves you food & drinks, & gives you a bill before you leave … who is he? A waiter!
This community helper works in a place where you eat, she takes your order, serves you food & drinks, & gives you a bill before you leave … who is she? A waitress!
Somebody’s lookin’ at you! This little cutie is going to wiggle his tail for you as you color him in by sight word. Only 2 sight words on this worksheet. Color him cute!
Keep on swimming, keep on swimming … and color by sight word! Green and red and purple and blue. He’ll be shimmering – and swimming – in no time.
Can you hear this little guy say, “Come/ play/ with/ me” in his robotic way? Well, grab your crayons & come & read & color by sight word, & … play!
Don’t kids say this all the time? “Look at me! Look at me!” Well now they can color it, too. Kids read the sentence, color by sight word, then look at what they’ve done.
Forget the princess stage, this little charmer is going straight for the top! Doesn’t she make a nice queen? And a pretty one at that! Color her by sight word.
When you’re done coloring by sight word, this flower will not only be red, but orange as well, with a yellow sunshiny middle. Love those nice fiery colors.
Does he look like the teddy bear you hold tightly at night? Color by sight word and see if he’s the same color. Then show him some love and give him a hug!
The zoo is such a fun place to go, but not today. Today you just get to color by sight word. Almost as fun … well, sort of. Make the animal sounds instead.
Some kids do take the bus to school, and some don’t but all the kids can color this bus by sight word. Try to stay in the lines. Keep the bus driver happy!