Community Helpers Matching Puzzles Reference Page 1
This reference page is meant to show kids what the helpers look like in one piece! Use it with the game or for other purposes.
Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
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This reference page is meant to show kids what the helpers look like in one piece! Use it with the game or for other purposes.
This is the second reference page for the matching puzzles. Kids just might want to know who the characters are they are matching together!
On these flashcards you’ll find these workers at the beginning of the alphabet – a businessman and woman, a chef, and a crossing guard.
This page of community helpers flashcards includes a detective, a doctor, a farmer, and a firefighter? Which one do you see most in your city?
We go from the forest to the water with these community helpers flashcards: a fisherman, a forest ranger, a lifeguard, and a mail carrier.
The four community workers on these flashcards sure are from different walks of life! There are a mechanic, a miner, a nurse, and an oil worker.
On this fifth page of flashcards you will find the all-important policeman and teacher, and the occasionally encountered tour guide and ski guide.
Get your wallet out! You will definitely need to pay a bill to these helpers: a trash collector, a vet, a waiter, and a waitress. Don’t forget the tip!
This first page of matching game pieces has images of 12 community helpers. Print and cut apart on the lines. Matches with the job titles on page 3.
Here’s page 2 with 12 more images of helpers in the community. Print and cut along the lines. Matches with the job titles on page 4.
This page has a list of job titles that matches with the images on page 1. Print, then cut along the lines. Hint: The colors of the words match the helpers.
This page of community workers has 12 job titles cards. These match the images of the helpers on page 2. Hint: The colors of the words match the helpers.
These four I Have Who Has game cards have a business woman, a teacher, a forest ranger, a crossing guard and a mechanic on them. Have fun!
Page 2 of this I Have Who Has game includes the mechanic, chef, doctor, farmer and a lifeguard. Have fun listening and matching!
These brightly colored workers include a lifeguard, a firefighter, a fisherman, a mail carrier and a nurse.
The community helpers come from many walks or life – a nurse, a detective, a miner, a waitress and a ski guide. Sounds like a game of Clue to me!