Kindergarten Short Stories – Eat Your Vegetables!
This short story for kindergarten takes place around the dinner table. See who likes veggies and who doesn’t…
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Looking at the kindergarten worksheets in this section you’re sure to find something, if not many things, you’ll love to use for your daily lessons. These printable worksheets include reading worksheets, math worksheets, science worksheets, and social studies worksheets. Most are Common Core aligned with the corresponding standard on each page. They’re tons of fun, created with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Many worksheets come in black and white only, many also come in color, some come in both.
Over 1,300 kinder worksheets.
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This short story for kindergarten takes place around the dinner table. See who likes veggies and who doesn’t…
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In this kindergarten short story kids talk about grapes – the colors they come in, what is made out of them and more!
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Ever have something suddenly scare you? Enter the grasshopper in this short story just for kindergarten! No need to be afraid.
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Here’s a kindergarten short story that’s been a conversation in most homes. “What do you want on your hamburger?”
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We couldn’t have a set of kindergarten short stories without one about ice cream! Two scoops please, in different flavors.
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These kindergarten short stories reflect real life. “It’s my turn!” is often shouted by kids in their game-playing enthusiasm!
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What kid doesn’t like ladybugs? This short story for kindergarten has two kids talking about ladybugs, what they look like and do.
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A kindergarten short story about two brothers in a real-life scenario about a new guitar and sharing.
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Kids just can’t take “No!” for an answer, can they? This short story tells why Mommy says no to Sam’s request to play his drum.
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Daniel and John are playing with Daniel’s new plane. What kind of plane is it? Read this kindergarten short story to find out!
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These girls have good taste! Pearls and black dresses look classy together. Read more about Cindy and Emma’s dress-up time.
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In this kindergarten short story Maria, Tom, and Alyssa admire a beautiful rainbow. Quotation marks included.
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Hands up if you like watermelon! Katie and Ashley talk about some fun watermelon facts in this kindergarten short story.
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A kindergarten short story that celebrates a healthy snack! Caryn and Eric know what kind is their favorite. How about you?
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Reading in kindergarten is fun, especially when the passage is about doing things together as a family. Bubble in the answers.
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It’s both a mystery and a surprise. What was in the box? Probably not what you think. Please enjoy this passage for kindergarten kids!
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