Letter Tracing – Lower Case w
When it comes to letter tracing, lower case v is the precursor to lower case w, the little brother you might say. You made the v once, with the w you make it twice. And it is twice as nice!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Thanks for coming to my first grade page! I’m busy creating worksheets and activities mainly for kindergarten right now. I’ve got some fun things in mind for first grade though. The language arts materials in this grade level so far include Dolch sight words and Fry high-frequency words flash cards and lists, writing paper, handwriting practice and phonics flash cards. The math worksheets include missing addends, subtraction flash cards, and sorting shapes with two attributes worksheets. You’ll also find lots of telling time worksheets and clocks your kids can make. The clocks are analog and digital and include an iphone so they can be really cool!
Please come back again very soon!
When it comes to letter tracing, lower case v is the precursor to lower case w, the little brother you might say. You made the v once, with the w you make it twice. And it is twice as nice!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Lower case x. What can we say? He’s simple, he’s sweet. He’s the x that marks the spot. Trace the line from the top left to the bottom right and then the top right to the bottom left.
CCSS L.1.1.A
Tracing lower case y is easy. You’ve traced lower case v and w. You’ve got the slanted line perfected. Now pick up your pencil and trace the second line down below the baseline.
CCSS L.1.1.A
The last in this series of letter tracing worksheets – lower case z. As you trace the lines think of Froggy and his zip, zap, zoop! Say each one as you trace each of the three lines!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Get ready to tell time! These four big clocks show the times of 1:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 11:00. What would be different if they were am or pm times?
How do you do? Oh, I am fine! What do you know, it’s just now 9! On these four big clocks you will find 9:00, along with 3:00, 6:00, and 12:00.
The hands are in place. Can you tell the time on each of these four big clocks? Look at the hour hand, then the minute hand. Write the times on the lines.
Look at this worksheet carefully. Telling time to the half hour can be trickier than the hour. They tell the times of 1:30, 5:30, 7:30 & 11:30.
Kids can tell the time to the half hour on these four large clocks. Simply look at the clocks and write the times on the lines under each one.
Have your kids show their time telling smarts by writing the times on these four large clocks. The times are 2:30, 4:30, 8:30 and 10:30.
In this clock worksheet kids use their special drawing skills to draw the hour and minute hands for 1:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 11:00.
Dexterity a problem? Just learning to draw the time on the clock? This worksheet is perfect for you! Draw the times 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and 12:00.
These four large clocks make it easy for kids to draw the time to the hour. You will find these four hours on this worksheet: 2:00, 4:00. 8:00 and 10:00.
Draw the time to the half hour with these four big clocks. They have the times 1:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 11:30. Answer sheet included.
Kids will need to draw longer lines to make the hour and half hour hands, but have plenty of room on these four big clocks.
Drawing the time to the half hour can be a little tricky. Remember to draw the minute hand on the 6 and the hour hand just after the hour.