Letter Tracing – Lower Case g
Tracing lower case letter g is an adventure! There is a circle, a line straight down, and a hook at the bottom. It touches the midline, baseline, and even goes below the base line.
CCSS L.1.1.A
Thanks for coming to my first grade page! I’m busy creating worksheets and activities mainly for kindergarten right now. I’ve got some fun things in mind for first grade though. The language arts materials in this grade level so far include Dolch sight words and Fry high-frequency words flash cards and lists, writing paper, handwriting practice and phonics flash cards. The math worksheets include missing addends, subtraction flash cards, and sorting shapes with two attributes worksheets. You’ll also find lots of telling time worksheets and clocks your kids can make. The clocks are analog and digital and include an iphone so they can be really cool!
Please come back again very soon!
Tracing lower case letter g is an adventure! There is a circle, a line straight down, and a hook at the bottom. It touches the midline, baseline, and even goes below the base line.
CCSS L.1.1.A
When tracing the lower case h think of the word “hump”, like the hump on a camel. Trace the line straight down and come back up making a hump and stopping at the base line.
CCSS L.1.1.A
Who doesn’t like making lower case i? The line from the midline to the base line is easy sneezy. And then there’s that cute little dot! It’s just a simple little dot, not a big black spot!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Tracing lower case j is a cross between a lower case g and a lower case i. Trace that straight line down, starting at the midline, make the hook at the bottom, and dot it, but not too hard.
CCSS L.1.1.A
Lower case k is unlike any of the other letters. That makes letter tracing exciting! Trace the line from top to bottom, then the two angled lines. Go create some masterpieces!
CCSS L.1.1.A
What is there to say about tracing the letter l? Especially the lowercase l. It’s just a simple straight line from the top line to the bottom line. Go for it and get it done!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Letter tracing can be a fun activity if you use your imagination! Think double hump camel for lower case m. Start at the midline and make two humps that look (nearly) exactly alike!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Letter tracing of lower case n brings us back to the one hump camel. Start at the midline and trace that straight line down, then back up again, and make that hump nice and smooth!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Tracing lower case o is just like making a circle. The challenge is the same – making the circle nice and smooth all the way around. Use the guides of the midline and baseline.
CCSS L.1.1.A
Lower case p is a mix up of lower case b and lower case d! Starting at the midline, go down low, come back up, add a circle. Say its name & make the /p/ sound with each one.
CCSS L.1.1.A
Some lower case q’s have a little mark off the end, but not this one. More possible mix ups – b, d, and p – now q! Have patience! Trace the circles, & draw the lines, say q and all will be fine!
CCSS L.1.1.A
This letter tracing worksheet has the runt of the litter – lower case r. Trace his stubby little line from the midline to the baseline, come up and make his little hook. He says “thank you”!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Letter tracing gets really fun with lower case s. Up and down, from the left to the right. But hold on! Don’t get too free and easy. Trace carefully and make those curves nice and smooth.
CCSS L.1.1.A
There is a tendency, when tracing t’s, to go too fast and not keep the straight lines straight. From top to bottom and left to right, keep a steady hand and make all your t’s great!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Here’s a letter tracing worksheet for lower case u. It reminds me of a coffee cup without the handle. It just sits up so nicely. Trace these u’s between the midline and baseline.
CCSS L.1.1.A
Forget all those curvy lines, from now until the letter z, all the lines are going to be straight and short and to the point! Trace the line from the top left down to the right and back up again!
CCSS L.1.1.A