Fry Sight Word Assessment – The First 100
Fry sight word assessment sheet for the first 100 Fry words. A convenient check box is provided to mark the words that need more practice.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
Thanks for coming to my first grade page! I’m busy creating worksheets and activities mainly for kindergarten right now. I’ve got some fun things in mind for first grade though. The language arts materials in this grade level so far include Dolch sight words and Fry high-frequency words flash cards and lists, writing paper, handwriting practice and phonics flash cards. The math worksheets include missing addends, subtraction flash cards, and sorting shapes with two attributes worksheets. You’ll also find lots of telling time worksheets and clocks your kids can make. The clocks are analog and digital and include an iphone so they can be really cool!
Please come back again very soon!
Fry sight word assessment sheet for the first 100 Fry words. A convenient check box is provided to mark the words that need more practice.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
Thirteen pages of Fry word flash cards – the first 100 – black and white. Eight words per page. Recommended for kinder and first.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
This set of Fry word flash cards – the first 100 – color has 14 pages, one cover page and 13 pages of flash cards. Eight words per page in bright blue. For K & 1st.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
Fry Phrases – the First 100 lists 81 phrases or short sentences using the first 100 Fry sight words. Examples are: You and I, up in the air, May I go first?, and Get on the bus.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
Fry phrases flash cards – the first 100 – black and white has 81 phrases, is 21 pages long, and has four phrases per page. For kinder and first.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
Fry phrases flash cards – the first 100 comes in bright blue, has 81 phrases, four phrases per page, and is 21 pages long. For kindergarten and first grade.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
This primary lined paper in a portrait format has a red baseline and dashed midline with lines that are 5/8″ tall. Suggested use is for first grade.
This primary lined paper comes in a portrait format with a line for a name. It has a red baseline and dashed midline with lines that are 5/8″ tall. Suggested for first grade.
This primary lined paper comes in a portrait format with a line for a name, a box for a picture, a red baseline, dashed midline, and 5/8″ tall lines.
This primary lined paper in a portrait format has a red baseline and dashed midline with lines that are 3/4″ tall. Suggested use is for kindergarten or first grade.
This primary lined paper comes in a portrait format with a line for a name. It has a red baseline and dashed midline with lines that are 3/4″ tall. Suggested for kinder and first.
This primary lined paper comes in a portrait format with a line for a name, a box for a picture, a red baseline, dashed midline, and 3/4″ tall lines.
This primary lined paper in a landscape format has a red baseline and dashed midline with lines that are 5/8″ tall. Suggested use is for first grade.
This primary lined paper comes in a landscape format with a line for a name. It has a red baseline, dashed midline, and 5/8″ lines. Suggested for first grade.
This primary lined paper comes in a landscape format with a line for a name, a box for a picture, a red baseline, dashed midline, and 5/8″ tall lines.
This primary lined paper in a landscape format has a red baseline and dashed midline with lines that are 3/4″ tall. Suggested use is for kindergarten and first grade.