Number Cards Matching Game – Number 8
Did you know if you roll doubles (like the dice on these number cards) that you get to roll a second time when playing Monopoly? Well now you do!CCSS K.CC.A.3
Did you know if you roll doubles (like the dice on these number cards) that you get to roll a second time when playing Monopoly? Well now you do!CCSS K.CC.A.3
These number cards show ways to make 9: 6 & 3 on the dice, 5 & 4 tally marks and base ten blocks, 7 & 2 on the dominoes, and 10 minus 1 in the ten frame.CCSS K.CC.A.3
These number cards show the magic number of 10! Kids can count the ten frames, base ten blocks and more. But look at the books. Can they count them by 2’s?CCSS K.CC.A.3
Number 11 on these number cards adds another ten frame to the mix. If you count with your fingers you need to start over counting with the first hand.CCSS K.CC.A.3
Another stylish and groovy number cards page. This time for the wonderful number 12. What is your favorite way to see 12? Tally marks or dominoes?
Number 13 on these number cards is no reason to be a bit superstitious. It’s just as cheery as all the others and provides learning and fun!
The spaces on the cards is filling up as the number cards numbers get higher and higher. More tally marks, more objects, and more counting practice!
Three sets of five and five sets of three. Take a good look at how the number 15 is shown in these number cards. See how many ways you can find.
For the number 16 number cards a second set of dominoes had to be added and a third row of ten frames has started to be filled in. We’re getting up there!
What was added to these number 17 cards compared to the number 16 cards? If you guessed another dice was added, you are absolutely correct!
Here’s a question for you – if you have 18 shoes, like on these number cards for 18, how many pairs is that? Count by 2’s. See what you come up with!
How many more stars do we need on the number card for 19 to make 20? Hint: Look at the ten frames for a dead give away. Have fun with these cards!
Now that you’ve reached number 20, have you thought about how many ways you can use these cool and colorful number cards? I can count at least six.
I created this number cards matching game to be a matching game. But there are other uses for these cards, too! Check out this page for more ideas. Have fun!
In this number 0 worksheet kids color the big number 0, trace and write the number 0 and the word zero, count objects, base 10 blocks, tally marks, and more!
In this number 1 worksheet kids color the big number 1, trace and write the number 1 and the word one, count objects, base 10 blocks, dice, and more!