printing practice - lower case d - handwriting worksheets for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case d

It can be doggone difficult to not get the b’s and the d’s mixed up. As you trace and write each lower case d say it out loud. Practice starting here five times per line.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case e - handwriting worksheets for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case e

Which letter is used most frequently? You got it! The letter e. Write the lower case e five times on each line. You’ll be writing this one an awful lot during your lifetime!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case f - handwriting worksheets for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case f

Have fun with the fantastic letter lower case f. Trace and write five times on the lines. That’s right five times. Don’t cheat and try only four times. Remember, cheaters never prosper.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case g - handwriting worksheets for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case g

The grass is always greener on the other side. Put lots of effort into writing the lower case g really nicely, and the grass will be green on your side, too.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case h - handwriting worksheets for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case h

How hard can it be to trace the letters handily? Not hard at all. With ease and joy trace and write the lower case h straight and tall on the lines. Hurrah! You did it! You’re a hero!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case i - handwriting worksheets for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case i

Isn’t the letter i incredible? Without it we wouldn’t have the word write, which is what you need to do on this lower case i printing practice page. Write, write, write! I insist!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case j - handwriting worksheets for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case j

Have a jolly time today with lower case j. Trace and write the letter j five times on each line. Joy will flood your heart when you do your very best job… and I’m not jokin’.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case k - handwriting practice for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case k

Keep your eyes on the page and don’t be kooky. Trace and write the lower case k in a kingly way. Write the letters as if a whole kingdom were to see them.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case l - handwriting practice for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case l

Lower case l is long and lean and is the easiest letter to write. Trace and write the letter l five times on each line – at least. Line them up straight and tall one after another.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case m - handwriting practice for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case m

Look at all those m’s. Doesn’t it make you think of munching on something mmmm mmmm good, like m & ms! Trace and write all those lower case m’s five times on each line.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case n - handwriting practice for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case n

It’s none other than… lower case n! Now center stage and no longer a newbie, n is the star of the show, ready to be traced and written nicely and neatly numerous times.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case o - handwriting practice for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case o

The letter o is like an orange, simple and round. Trace and write the lower case o five times on each line. Offer an ovation for letter o, always so circular and fine.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case p - handwriting practice for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case p

Instead of three peas in a pod, write five p’s on each line. Trace each lower case p so they look perfect and pretty – never poorly printed. Write them so they are perfectly legible.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case q - handwriting practice for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case q

Claim a few quiet moments to practice printing the lower case q. Write neatly and carefully, tracing the lines quintessentially and with great quality with quill or pencil.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case r - handwriting practice for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case r

No rushing is the only rule when writing the lower case r. Trace the r’s first then write – regally not riotously – so there are five per line. And have a rip roarin’ good time!
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d

printing practice - lower case s - handwriting practice for kindergarten

Printing Practice – Lower Case s

Squiggly swirly s is one of the harder letters to write. Swirling one way, then the other, trace and write the lower case s simply and seamlessly, slithering like a snake – five times each line.
CCSS L.K.1a & RF.K.1d