Letter Tracing – Upper Case X
Well, as they say, “X marks the spot.” And in this case it’s true! Only I’ll turn that around. “This is the spot where you get to mark the X’s!” Marking = tracing neatly.
Well, as they say, “X marks the spot.” And in this case it’s true! Only I’ll turn that around. “This is the spot where you get to mark the X’s!” Marking = tracing neatly.
Yahoo! I’m almost done writing descriptions for these alphabet letters! This can really stretch ya’! Upper case Y is raising his arms in happiness, too. Have fun tracing!
Yes, upper case Z is the end. The caboose, the end of the road, the one who always comes last. No feeling sorry for him though. He makes fun words like these: zip, zap, zig and zag!
Letter tracing is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Lower case a has a circle and a short straight line. This letter stays between the midline and the base line.
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Lower case b is simple as can be! draw a straight line (at least as straight as you can) from the top line to the base line. Now connect a circle to the right side. Don’t confuse it with d.
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Letter tracing of lower case c is a bit tricky. It’s not a whole circle, but you start it at the same spot as a circle. Trace up and over to the left touch the base line and back up again!
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Lower case d is similar to lower case b so you have to be careful. Trace the circle first, then add the straight line to the right side of the circle. Say the letter out loud to help you remember.
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Letter tracing can take some different turns. For lower case e, make a line between the base line & the midline & then add a near circle to it. Don’t close it off! There’s no letter like that!
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Letter tracing of lower case f is kind of fun! There is a nice curve at the top, like a shepherd’s staff, with at little line across the middle. It touches the top line & the base line.
CCSS L.1.1.A
Tracing lower case letter g is an adventure! There is a circle, a line straight down, and a hook at the bottom. It touches the midline, baseline, and even goes below the base line.
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When tracing the lower case h think of the word “hump”, like the hump on a camel. Trace the line straight down and come back up making a hump and stopping at the base line.
CCSS L.1.1.A
Who doesn’t like making lower case i? The line from the midline to the base line is easy sneezy. And then there’s that cute little dot! It’s just a simple little dot, not a big black spot!
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Tracing lower case j is a cross between a lower case g and a lower case i. Trace that straight line down, starting at the midline, make the hook at the bottom, and dot it, but not too hard.
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Lower case k is unlike any of the other letters. That makes letter tracing exciting! Trace the line from top to bottom, then the two angled lines. Go create some masterpieces!
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What is there to say about tracing the letter l? Especially the lowercase l. It’s just a simple straight line from the top line to the bottom line. Go for it and get it done!
CCSS L.1.1.A
Letter tracing can be a fun activity if you use your imagination! Think double hump camel for lower case m. Start at the midline and make two humps that look (nearly) exactly alike!
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