ABC Flash Cards
These abc flash cards have happy pictures for each letter that are sure put a pep in your step! Uppercase and lowercase letters and a picture word are included. 7 pages with 26 cards.
These abc flash cards have happy pictures for each letter that are sure put a pep in your step! Uppercase and lowercase letters and a picture word are included. 7 pages with 26 cards.
A cute set of printable flash cards with a picture for every letter of the alphabet. The uppercase and lowercase letters appear under each picture. 7 pages with 26 cards.
These alphabet flash cards with pictures have the upper and lower case letters on the same cards under the picture neatly printed on primary writing lines. 7 pages with 26 cards.
Here’s an emergent reader text about blue things: The crayon is blue. The radio is blue. The yo-yo is blue. The house is blue. Have fun reading and coloring!
Red is the best! Especially in an emergent reader text! Here you’ll read about yarn, jelly, an apple, a flower, and a zipper all being red.
An emergent reader can be about good nutrition, and this is one of them. It reads “I eat …” and names apples, bananas, cherries, oranges and watermelons.
This emergent reader talks about wild animals, but they look sweet and docile. They include elephants, lions, hippos, giraffes and zebras. Have fun reading.
Now this is a fun emergent reader. What kid doesn’t like bugs? You’ll see an ant, a spider, a worm, a ladybug, a grasshopper and a caterpillar.
Now this emergent reader is cool! The text reads, “We ride in a car.” And in a train, and a plane, and a boat, and a rocket, and even a blimp!
Letter tracing of upper case A stretches from top to bottom in teepee style fashion. It has a line across to keep those angled lines in place! Have fun with upper case A.
Upper case B is almost like tracing bubbles. It looks almost like a double bubble! What else could it be? The toe part of two shoes? Wait! We’re getting off track. Let’s trace the B’s.
Letter tracing can be fun if you associate it with shapes. This upper case C is not the round kind, like a circle, but the more narrow kind, like an oval. Have fun with them!
The nice thing about letter tracing is you get to practice all kinds of lines. Upper case D is no exception because it has a long straight line and a nice big curved line.
Talk about keeping the lines straight and clean – here’s a perfect letter for that! Upper case E has one tall straight line and three perpendicular short lines. Four simple strokes.
This letter tracing page for upper case F shows many F’s standing straight all in a row (actually 7 rows) waiting for your pencil to meet the page and make them come to life!
Well, golly gee, it’s a letter tracing page for upper case G! These G’s are special because you don’t have to draw the little line down on the right side of the G. Trace away!