Letter Y Looks Like Sounds Like Worksheet
This is a great worksheet for putting together both what the letter y looks like and what it sounds like. Please have your students trace the letters and draw a picture of an object that starts with y.
This is a great worksheet for putting together both what the letter y looks like and what it sounds like. Please have your students trace the letters and draw a picture of an object that starts with y.
A fun worksheet for kids to practice writing the upper case and lowercase letter z. Kids can draw a picture of something else that starts with z.
In this alphabet match card set there are two pictures for each letter of the alphabet, one for each upper case letter & lower case letter. Just match ’em up!
This letter match set comes with big bold black letters on a plain white background. No distractions here. Match the uppercase letter with the lowercase one.
This alphabet match set has the letters in front of some really adorable children. Simply match the uppercase letter to the lowercase letter. A great lesson in diversity. Too much fun!
Matching letters is a fun activity for kids who are learning the alphabet. Match the uppercase to the lowercase letter on these bright colorful flowers.
Matching letters is lots of fun, especially if you can match the uppercase letter to the lowercase letters on these pumpkins. For fall, halloween time, or any time of the year.
Print these letter match snowmen & cut into cards. Match the uppercase & lowercase letters putting the snowmen back together again. Great alphabet activity!
Take a look at some things that start with letter a on this worksheet: apple, astronaut, airplane, ant, acorn & alligator. Read the words, circle the letter a, and color.
The words that start with b on this worksheet are bed, ball, bear, button, bat, and bee. Repeat the words, circle the beginning b, and color the cute pictures!
Come and see all the cute things that begin with the letter c! They are pictures of a cow, cat, cake, car, cup, and candy. Read the words, circle the c, and color!
Have fun with this worksheet of things starting with the letter d. You’ll find a dog, dinosaur, duck, doll, dress and donut to read and color. Circle the beginning d.
Here’s 6 things that begin with e: elephant, eagle, elf, egg, ear, and envelope and they’re all on this worksheet! Read the words making sure to notice the beginning e.
Join in the fun with this words that beginning with f worksheet. Say and sound out the letter f and the words feet, fish, fan, flower, football & fire. Coloring fun is required!
This worksheet of things beginning with g include pictures & words for girl, gift, ghost, gate, game & garbage. Read the words, circle the letter g and color.
The things beginning with h on this worksheet are hamburger, hammer, hat, house, heart, & hand. Say the word, circle the beginning h, & add color to the pictures.