Letter Identification – Letter S
S is for sailing a sailboat on the sea. And it’s for this letter s recognition worksheet! Find every simple and silly s, circle it, and color the sailboat and the sea.
S is for sailing a sailboat on the sea. And it’s for this letter s recognition worksheet! Find every simple and silly s, circle it, and color the sailboat and the sea.
Your kids are sure enjoy this letter t recognition worksheet. They find and circle the letter in the frame and the sentence and color the spinning top.
Recognizing the letter u is the order of the day on this worksheet. Find and circle every u (they’re in different fonts) and the hidden sight word. Color the umbrella.
Honing in on your skills for recognizing letters? This is the best spot for working on your v’s. Find every v (and the sight word “to”) in the frame and the sentence and circle them.
Identifying the letters is the first order of business in this letter w worksheet. Find and circle every w in the frame and the sentence. Color the picture.
Will you be able to find every x (& the sight word “be”) in this recognize the letters worksheet? I’ll be you can. The letters form a frame and the picture has an x-ray.
Kids will have a ton of fun with identifying the letters in this worksheet. Can they find every y? Circle them all. Look for the sight word “so” in the frame, too.
A cool letter recognition worksheet for z. Kids look for and find every z in the picture frame and the sentence and then color. Can they find the sight word “he”, too?
There’s a wide-eyed alligator on this letter a looks like sounds like worksheet looking at you. He wants you to come write the letter Aa and draw and color an a word!
What a brilliant idea! A letter b worksheet! Kids trace and write the letter Bb and draw a picture of a b word. What could be better?
You and the cute cat on this letter c looks like sounds like page can do an awesome job writing the letter c and drawing a c word. Coloring is encouraged!
There’s a little doggie on this letter d looks like sounds like worksheet. He wants to help you write the letter d and draw a picture of a d word. Arf! Arf!
There’s an enthusiastic little elephant on this letter e looks like sounds like worksheet reaching out to you sayin’, “Come on! Do this worksheet with me!”
Now here’s a letter f worksheet for your kids to practice not only writing the letter f, but also sounding out words that start with the f sound.
A letter g looks like sounds like worksheet with a cute little giraffe encouraging you to write some awesome Gg’s, draw a g word & do a great coloring job.
This letter h page has kids write the letter h (looks like), then draw a picture of something that begins with the h sound (sounds like).