Fry Phrases – The Third 100
Fry Phrases – The Third 100 lists 90 phrases using the third 100 words from the Fry words list. Examples include: between the lines, in the beginning, and Close the door.
CCSS RF.3.3d
Fry Phrases – The Third 100 lists 90 phrases using the third 100 words from the Fry words list. Examples include: between the lines, in the beginning, and Close the door.
CCSS RF.3.3d
Fry Phrases – The Fourth 100 lists 89 phrases or short sentences using the fourth 100 words from the Fry words list. Examples: early in the morning, cold and hungry, black and blue.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Fry Phrases – The Fifth 100 lists 89 phrases using the fifth 100 words from the Fry words list. Examples are: less than a week, I cannot do this. Circle the wagons. The force is with you!
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Fry Phrases – The Sixth 100 lists 90 phrases using the sixth 100 words from the Fry words list. Examples are: The test was hard. Shall we go? and Sign your name here.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Fry phrases flash cards – the first 100 – black and white has 81 phrases, is 21 pages long, and has four phrases per page. For kinder and first.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
Fry phrases flash cards – the first 100 comes in bright blue, has 81 phrases, four phrases per page, and is 21 pages long. For kindergarten and first grade.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
Fry phrases flash cards – the second 100 – black and white is 23 pages long, has 90 phrases, and has four phrases per page. For 2nd grade.
CCSS RF.2.3f
Fry phrases flash cards – the second 100 comes in a nice green, has 90 phrases, four phrases per page, and is 23 pages long. Recommended for second grade.
CCSS RF.2.3f
Fry phrases flash cards – the third 100 – black and white has 90 phrases, is 23 pages long, and has four phrases per page. For third grade.
CCSS RF.3.3d
Fry phrases flash cards – the third 100 comes in a bright yellow, has 90 phrases, four phrases per page, and is 23 pages long. Recommended for third grade.
CCSS RF.3.3d
Fry phrases flash cards – the fourth 100 – black and white is 23 pages long, has 89 phrases, and 4 phrases per page. For 4th and 5th.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Fry phrases flash cards – the fourth 100 comes in a soft orange, has 89 phrases, four phrases per page, and is 23 pages long. For 4th and 5th.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Fry phrases flash cards – the fifth 100 – black and white has 89 phrases, is 23 pages long, and has four phrases per page. For 4th and 5th.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Fry phrases flash cards – the fifth 100 comes in a pretty salmon color, has 89 phrases, four phrases per page, and is 23 pages long. For fourth and fifth grade.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Fry phrases flash cards – the sixth 100 – black and white has 90 phrases, is 23 pages long, and has four phrases per page. For 4th and 5th.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Fry phrases flash cards – the fifth 100 comes in a bright pink, has 90 phrases, four phrases per page, and is 23 pages long. Recommended for fourth and fifth grade.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a