Sight Word – the
The word the is the most used word. The three sentences using the word the are: Pet the dog. See the car? and Be the best! Draw a picture to go with one of the sentences.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
The word the is the most used word. The three sentences using the word the are: Pet the dog. See the car? and Be the best! Draw a picture to go with one of the sentences.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Read the sentences: I go to school. I go to bed. I go to play. Trace the sight word to. Draw a picture of yourself. Will you be pictured learning, sleeping, or playing? It’s a mystery!
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
You can draw a picture of a friend for this worksheet. Read the sentences: I see you. I know you. I like you. Trace the sight word you on the dashed lines and draw your subject.
CCSS RF.K.3c and SL.K.5
Color-coded in blue, this Dolch sight word bingo – pre-primer game comes with 40 full size pages, instructions, sight word game cards, and markers with stars.
CCSS None for pre-K
Just one more in this row and I’ll have Bingo! Kids just love Bingo! This Dolch sight word bingo – primer game includes 40 full size cards, 52 word cards, playing pieces, and instructions.
Pretty in pink, this Dolch sight word bingo for first grade comes with everything you need to have a rollicking good time playing everyone’s favorite game.
CCSS RF.1.3g
This Fry list is of the first 100 fry words. They are appropriate for kinder to first grade children. Divided into four lists with 25 words each, use the first 50 words for kindergarten.
CCSS RF.K.3c & R.F.1.3g
My Fry list – the second 100 comes in green and is geared primarily towards second graders. Most kids of this age can tackle learning 100 high frequency words in a years time.
CCSS RF.2.3.f
This Fry list – the third 100 comes in bright yellow and is appropriate for third grade. Four columns of 25 words each divides the sight words into more manageable lists.
CCSS RF.3.3d
My Fry list – the Fourth 100 comes in orange. This is one of the sets of high frequency words that is just right for fourth grade. It is also recommended for fifth grade, too.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Another Fry list – the fifth 100 recommended for fourth and fifth grade. With four lists of 25 words, each list can be mastered separately as spelling words or study lists.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
This Fry list – the sixth 100 is appropriate for both fourth and fifth grades and is color coordinated to go along with the sixth 100 flash cards and assessment sheet on this site.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
This Fry list – the seventh 100 has words like pounds, laughed, and possible, words that some fifth graders might already know well. It never hurts to review them just to make sure!
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
My Fry list – the eighth 100 is recommended for fourth and fifth grade but can always be used for children of earlier grades who are excelling. Some of the words are quite easy.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
By the time you get to this Fry list – the Ninth 100 your kids have already mastered quite a good number of high frequency words. Keep on keepin’ on with this group of words, too.
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a
Last but not least comes this Fry list – the tenth 100. It is the last group of Fry high frequency words that are specifically for fourth and fifth graders. Learn, laugh, then celebrate!
CCSS RF.4.3a & RF.5.3a