-un Words Clip Cards
This set of -un family clip cards has the words bun, fun, nun, run & sun in 8 sets of cards and 3 sets of corresponding letters. Match the letters or fill in the blanks.
This set of -un family clip cards has the words bun, fun, nun, run & sun in 8 sets of cards and 3 sets of corresponding letters. Match the letters or fill in the blanks.
This cool set of -ut words clip cards uses the words cut, hut, & nut in 8 different sets of cards; 3 sets of letters in black & red are included.
Some Valentine’s worksheets make you smile, like this one will. The candy is disappearing! Kids count how many candies are in the candy box.
Valentine worksheets sometimes have cookies and candy on them. This one does! In bags and jars, kids count all the cookies & candy and tell how many.
Valentine’s worksheets usually have lots of hearts – this one has lots of sweets in heart-shaped boxes. Kids count the candies and tell how many.
Have you ever had a Valentine worksheet with hearts with all kinds of different patterns? Well, you do now – stripes, zigzags, and polka dots!
Almost all Valentines worksheets are sure to have hearts on them like this one. Kids cut out the sets of hearts and glue them next to the corresponding number.
This worksheet is going to be tons of educational fun. In this worksheet, kids count the goodies – lollipops, cookies, cupcakes – cut out the numbers and glue them next to each set.
Valentine’s worksheets have lots of references to love. This one is no exception. Count the love objects (hearts, teddy bears, etc.) and write how many.
This Valentine’s day worksheet has 8 polaroid pictures. Kids find and count the number of hearts in each picture and write it down. Some are hard to find….
Valentine math worksheets can be tons of fun. Use the conversation heart cards provided or the real candy. Pass out a handful and graph how many of each.
Time for some Valentine math! Get a handful of our conversation hearts cards, each with the word “love”, and graph how many you have of each one.
For this Valentine math graphing worksheet you’ll need some dice. When you roll 1, 2, 3, or 4 you color in that part of the graph. Cupid will love you!
In this Valentine math worksheet kids use a paper clip as a spinner and graph the two hearts that they spin. They then tally how many and color the picture.
Get in some Valentine counting with these 10 big hearts. Have kids write in the numbers 1-10 in order. Then it’s time to color. Pass the red crayon please!
A Valentine counting worksheet for counting to 20. Hearts are arranged four across and five down. Kids start with 1 and fill in the hearts until they get to 20.