Counting by 5’s to 100 – Write 15 Missing Numbers
Counting by 5’s to 100 is getting a little harder. But no fear, some numbers are provided to help kids remember their place in the counting sequence.
Counting by 5’s to 100 is getting a little harder. But no fear, some numbers are provided to help kids remember their place in the counting sequence.
Here is a counting by 5 worksheet where kids get to write all the numbers from 5 to 100. Writing on the lines helps kids slow down & write carefully.
This counting by 5’s worksheet allows kids to count and write the missing numbers without having to worry about writing neatly.
The blank boxes on this counting worksheet are for filling in the missing numbers from 5 to 100. Five numbers have already been provided.
No helps in this count by 5’s worksheet. Kids write ALL the numbers in this counting sequence. Can they do it? I bet they can!
Put pattern blocks together to make new shapes. Tell how many shapes were used, what the fractional part is, illustrate, and label the fractional parts. 2 pages
Follow the directions using pattern blocks to create new shapes. Tell what the new shape is and name the fractional part. Answer sheet included.
Use pattern block shapes to make double hexagons. Tell how many shapes are used, what the fractional part is, and illustrate the answer. Two pages.
In this worksheet kids use pattern blocks to make a small rectangle, large square, and large rectangle. Write how many squares are used and the fractional part.
Use triangles to make a rhombus, trapezoid, and hexagon. Tell how many are used and what the fractional part is. Answer sheet included.
Use triangles, rhombi, and trapezoids to make a hexagon. Tell how many of each are used and what the fractional part is. Answer sheet included.
Fun in the sun! You know summer has begun when you can hit the beach. Circle the down at the beach object that comes next in the ABC patterns. Color.
CCSS None specifically
Get your swimsuits on! Let’s have some fun times at the pool! But wait! Don’t forget the sunblock. Circle the object that comes next in the ABC patterns. Color the pictures.
CCSS None specifically
Time to make some noise with this ABC patterns worksheet. Circle the musical instrument that comes next in each pattern and then color.
CCSS None specifically
In this ABC patterns worksheet you will find pencils, crayons, markers, erasers, scissors and rulers. Describe the pattern by writing A, B, or C on the lines. Color the pictures.
CCSS None specifically
Lots of various objects – stars, apples, boats and buckets, for example – in this ABC patterns worksheet. Circle the object that comes next in each pattern. Color.
CCSS None specifically