I am so excited to share with you my Kindergarten Math Curriculum Unit 3 – Numbers 11-20. As with the previous units there are lots of resources that I’m sure you won’t be able wait to use in your classroom! At this time the curriculum is only available in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. Click any image in this blog to be taken to my store.
This standards based curriculum can be used as a stand alone math curriculum or as a supplement to your current curriculum.
It covers 10 days of instruction within a 60 minute time block.
The unit is chock full of TONS of practical, professional, fun, engaging and hands-on resources. If you can’t use all the resources in your class time (which you probably won’t!) you can use them for homework, extra practice, time fillers, review days, etc.
Even though there are fairly detailed lesson plans included, be assured that the lessons are extremely flexible so that you can tailor them to your school or district requirements, your math block and/or your own teaching style. You can leave out parts and take longer on others if desired. You can use the centers or adapt the lessons for whole group instruction.
Extension and differentiation suggestions and resources are included with EVERY lesson so all your kids have the opportunity to learn in a positive and equally engaging way.
Enough telling you about it. Let’s get on with showing you what it’s all about!
Scroll all the way to the end. You don’t want to miss anything!
Kindergarten Math Curriculum – The Basics
To put it mildly, there’s a lot included! I’ll start with the foundational information first.
Scope and Sequence
There are 10 lessons for numbers 11-20, one lesson for each of the numbers.
Lesson Standards
This curriculum is Common Core standards based. The same kindergarten counting and cardinality standards are covered in each lesson. Please note that some of the standards are addressed in some of the materials, but not others, however, all the standards are covered in the resources provided for every lesson.
The standards address in this unit are:
K.CC.A.3 K.CC.B.4 K.CC.B.4.A K.CC.B.4.B K.CC.B.4.C K.CC.B.5
Unit Details
These two pages of Unit Details show you at a glance the lesson number and title, objective, I Can statement, vocabulary words, counting strategies, main skills and concepts, and standards for each lesson. They are handy reference pages for understanding the basics included in each lesson. When I create the curriculum I start with the unit objective, the lesson objectives and then I fill in these pages.
If you take a look at these pages you will get a good understanding of the unit in its entirety and the lesson details specifically. You can also see the consistency of the lessons. If you have looked at or purchased my Kindergarten Math Curriculum Numbers 0-5 (Unit 1) and/or Numbers 6-10 (Unit 2), you’ll see that the details are similar and just as consistent.
Storage and Organization
Storing Unit Materials
I’ve included a page showing how I store my unit resources in a 1″ binder and larger a storage box (purchased from Target).
I also use larger 2 gallon ziploc bags to store my activities because a 1 gallon bag won’t close with standard 8 1/2 ” x 11″ pages, therefore making it possible for the contents to spill out.
I use a larger storage box because I make multiple copies of every activity and with the fluency cards, vocabulary cards, etc, they won’t all fit in a smaller storage box.
You may find that a 1/2″ binder and a smaller storage box work just fine for your needs. I’ve included a 1/2″ and a 1″ binder label and one storage box label in this unit.
Unit Labels on the Resources
One of the great benefits of this curriculum is the labeling. Every resource in this unit has a label telling you the unit number, lesson number, and activity or worksheet number.
No more wondering, “What lesson does this go with?” or “What lesson should I use this resource with?”. The organizing has already been done for you saving you precious time! (The exceptions for the labeling are the vocabulary cards and fluency cards.)
Take a look at the image below for an example AND look for the labels as you read through the rest of this blog.
A pre-assessment and post-assessment are included in this curriculum. They ask five questions that show you if and how well the students can count, write, identify and recognize numbers between 11 and 20.
An assessment tracker is also included so you can document and keep track of your student’s placement and progress.
Another page not pictured here is Center Groups List page. It has four 1/4 page cards that you can list the names of the kids in each of your groups. They are great for your center chart (if you use one) and are for helpful for subs.
Lesson Plans
The lesson plans include four main parts:
- Fluency Warm-Up – short warm-up using the fluency cards provided
- Lesson Introduction – direct instruction introducing the lesson for the day through the use of an I Can statement and vocabulary cards
- Lesson for the Day – includes teaching, modeling and practicing two simple counting strategies (Count Out Loud and one other strategy) and using a Number of the Day chart (and possibly the worksheets)
- Practice / Centers – 7-8 options for how to use the rest of the math block. If you use centers, this would be the time to use the activities and/or worksheets. If not, the worksheets, booklet and read aloud would be great to use whole group.
Each part of the lesson has a suggested amount of time to spend on each section, though you can always tweak those times to meet your needs.
Please note that the objective and standards for each lesson are listed at the top of every lesson plan.
These are great for your own personal use, but also great for substitutes! Saves you time typing or writing out how to conduct your math lesson.
You can always divide the lesson into two days. You can spend the first day on the first three parts of the lesson and the second day on the center activities and possibly the read aloud, or you can choose to mix and match the lesson parts in a way that is more conducive to your time block, your little learners and/or your teaching style.
Please note in the example below for Lesson 1 one of the options for the Practice / Center portion of the lesson is a pre-assessment making eight options for this part of the lesson. The post-assessment is included in Lesson 10, also making eight options. All the other lessons only have seven options.
Materials Provided/Needed
I have updated these pages to have images rather than just a lists of materials needed for at-a-glance ease. It includes images of exactly what you’ll need for each part of every lesson in the order of the lesson presentation.
They include the materials that have been provided in this unit (like the fluency cards, objectives, posters, etc.) and classroom materials you’ll need for that lesson (like dry erase markers and erasers, manipulatives, pencils, crayons, etc.). These Materials Needed/Provided pages can also help you to quickly choose which materials you may want to use in your lessons.
As in the lesson plans above, please note in the example below for Lesson 1 one of the options for the Practice / Center portion of the lesson is a pre-assessment making eight options for this part of the lesson. The post-assessment is included in Lesson 10, also making eight options. All the other lessons only have seven options.
Lesson Flexibility
The Lesson Plan Flexibility page pinpoints specific resources to use to focus on the specific needs of your students be they number formation, number sense, tactile learning, counting strategies, confidence building or language arts integration. These resources may also be helpful to use in a Resource Room setting, for extra practice one-on-one or for homework.
Lesson Resources
The objectives are provided for you so you can post them during your lessons, if needed. They are half page landscape orientation, two per page. The objectives are also listed on the Unit Details pages, the Scope and Sequence page and the Lesson Plan pages.
Fluency Cards
The fluency cards come in both color and black and white. They are a one fourth page size and include numbers 1-20 represented by objects (apples), dice, base ten blocks, fingers, dominoes, tally marks, twenty frames, numbers and number words.
I Can Statements
The I Can statements reword the lesson objective in a kid friendly way. It focuses your student’s attention on the topic of the lesson and empowers them to learn about that number. The statements say, “I can count, write, and recognize 11 (and so on).” represented by dice dots that can be counted, the number being written and three representations of the number in three different fonts.
Vocabulary Cards
The unit comes with 13 vocabulary cards. You will use the words “count”, “how many” and “number” plus the vocabulary card for the number of the day for every lesson. They come four to a page in a portrait orientation.
Counting Strategies
There are six counting strategies incorporated in the lessons. The first one, Count Out Loud, is used in every lesson. The remaining five strategies are used in two lessons each. They are: Point and Count, Move and Count, Line Up and Count, Count and Clap, and Recount. These posters, beautifully representing each strategy, can be put on your boards or walls during your lessons.
Number of the Day
This unit comes with the parts needed to make and use a Number of the Day chart. Arrange the parts on a piece of poster board to match the Number of the Day worksheets so your kids can fill them in while you do fill in the chart or at a center afterwards. The Number of the Day chart is used during the Lesson for the Day, the third part of the lesson.
For kids who may be ready for a challenge, use the remaining chart parts on the back of your poster board to match the second page of the Number of the Day worksheet.
Suggested Reading
This unit comes with 10 suggested books about counting. Each book was hand picked to go with each lesson. Who doesn’t love a good read aloud?
Each lesson has 4 worksheets:
Worksheet 1 – Number of the Day worksheets – has two pages, one for basic number sense, and the second page for kids who are ready for more challenge – use with the Number of the Day chart
Worksheet 2 – Number Tracing worksheet
Worksheet 3 – My Book of Number 11 (12, etc.) – these 1/2 page size books have seven pages that reinforce number formation, recognition, counting, etc.
There are three activities for every lesson. These activities are my favorite part of the lesson. I love creating them and I hope you enjoy using them in your classroom with your kids. This is where the real tactile learning comes in.
Every lesson comes with three brightly colored activities and their corresponding parts (cards, etc.). At least one of those activities employs the counting strategy for the day. Sorry that I didn’t make them consistently the same activity number for each lesson because it would have made it easier. Maybe in the next unit.
The activities all come in color (a few come in black and white, too) so you’ll need a color printer to print them out. I would only print them on card stock. For most of the activities you will need white card stock, but some are easily suited to be printed on color card stock. For many of the activities you will also need some classroom supplies like dice or dry erase markers or both.
The activities come in a wide variety of topics as you will see as you scroll down. I hope you like them!
Each activity has three parts to it:
- The activity board itself and its corresponding parts – these come in many different shapes and sizes
- An extension activity – these can be printed right on the back of the activity – great for fast finishers or kids that can use an extra challenge
- An instruction card – these tell you the materials you’ll need, the instructions, possible options for how to use the activity, one or more differentiation ideas and an illustration of the activity in action
Extension Activities
Every activity has an extension activity. They can be printed right on the back of the activity and will never use any materials other than those that were used in the main activity. Below is an example of three different extension activities. They are all clearly labeled as the extension activity and have the same labels as all the other resources in this unit.
Instruction Cards
Every activity comes with an instruction card. Below is an example of two instruction cards. Note that they are labeled with the unit, lesson and activity numbers as well as an illustration, which easily identifies which activity they go with.
The images below showcase every activity that’s included in this unit in action. The extension activities for each activity are not included in the pictures below, but are along the same lines as the activities themselves. Every activity has a name like “Sweet Doggie Number Match” (as seen above) rather than just a number. All activity pages or boards have the unit, lesson and activity number label on them.
Lesson 1 – Number 11
Lesson 1 – Activity 1 – Count and Build 11
Lesson 1 – Activity 2 – Fancy Flowers
Lesson 1 – Activity 3 – Dice Number Match
This activity uses the Point and Count counting strategy.
Lesson 2 – Number 12
Lesson 2 – Activity 1 – Donuts Please
Lesson 2 – Activity 2 – Hours in a Day
Lesson 2 – Activity 3 – A Dozen Eggs
This activity uses the point and count counting strategy.
Lesson 3 – Number 13
Lesson 3 – Activity 1 – Raindrops are Falling
Lesson 3 – Activity 2 – Jumping Frogs
This activity uses the Move and Count counting strategy.
Lesson 3 – Activity 3 – Popcorn Aplenty
Lesson 4 – Number 14
Lesson 4 – Activity 1 – Fruit Tree Count and Clip
Lesson 4 – Activity 2 – Landform Move and Count
This activity uses the Move and Count counting strategy.
Lesson 4 – Activity 3 – Owl Puzzles
Lesson 5 – Number 15
Lesson 5 – Activity 1 – 15 in a Row
This activity uses the Line Up and Count counting strategy.
Lesson 5 – Activity 2 – Show the Dice
Lesson 5 – Activity 3 – Play Doh Roll a Ball
Lesson 6 – Number 16
Lesson 6 – Activity 1 – Sweet Doggie Number Match
Lesson 6 – Activity 2 – Line Up!
This activity uses the Line Up and Count counting strategy.
Lesson 6 – Activity 3 – Pretty Puzzle

Lesson 7 – Number 17
Lesson 7 – Activity 1 – Moon and Stars
Lesson 7 -Activity 2 – Clap and Build
This activity uses the Clap and Count counting strategy.
Lesson 7 – Activity 3 – Friendly Fireflies
Lesson 8 – Number 18
Lesson 8 – Activity 1 – Cattle Round-Up
Lesson 8 – Activity 2 – Water Works
Lesson 8 – Activity 3 – Partner Clap and Count
This activity uses the Clap and Count counting strategy.
Lesson 9 – Number 19
Lesson 9 – Activity 1 – Ant Farm
This activity uses the Recount counting strategy.
Lesson 9 – Activity 2 – A Cloudy Day
Lesson 9 – Activity 3 – Bouncing Basketballs
Lesson 10 – Number 20
Lesson 10 – Activity 1 – Time to Check Out!
Lesson 10 – Activity 2 – Counting Fingers
Lesson 10 – Activity 3 – Monster Mania
This activity uses the Recount counting strategy.
Take a moment to check out my Teachers Pay Teachers store for all the Kindergarten Math Curriculum Units!
Thank you for taking the time to get all the way to the end of this post!