Skip Counting by 5 to 30 – Spring has Sprung
A very basic skip counting by 5 worksheet with spring flowers. Start small with the basics, get these skills down and build from there.
Thank you for visiting my second grade page for language arts! I’ve been concentrating on creating worksheets for kindergarten and first grade, however, I do have a few things posted for second grade. You’ll find some basic sight word resources and some counting worksheets, too. The sight word resources are Dolch and Fry words. We have color-coded sight word lists and sight word flash cards.
A very basic skip counting by 5 worksheet with spring flowers. Start small with the basics, get these skills down and build from there.
Skip counting by 5 has never been so military. What??? These crayons are standing straight and tall in formation ready to do some serious skip counting!
Time to celebrate and have some fun while skip counting by 5 to a big whopping 50! Do a wiggle and a jive while you’re counting by 5! Woohoo!
While skip counting by 5 to 60 you can be quite contrary like Mary with these little hearts all in neat and tidy rows. Count them by 5’s, then by 1’s, then by blue…. : )
Start skip counting by 5 before these fun stars floating by in groups of 5 disappear into the nighttime sky!
Count up to 70.
Blue, green, pink and purple … these fat but pretty pencils are arranged by color groups. Skip counting by 5 could never be made easier!
Cutting right, cutting down, cutting left, cutting up. No matter which way you cut it, this skip counting by 5 worksheet will make the cut with your kids!
Colorful little birdies come singing to cheer your kids on to skip counting by 5 all the way up to 100! Simply fill in the blanks starting with 5.
Baa! Baa! say these cute little curly haired sheep. They’ve strolled onto the pages of this skip counting by 5 worksheet … in sets of 5 no less!
5, 10, 15, 20…keep counting all the way up to 100 or $1.00. Once kids fill in all the blanks they can count how many nickels are in a dollar.
Feel the sunshine and hear the waves while skip counting by 5 to 100 ($100 that is!) using sand dollars. Challenge: How many $5 bills do you need to count $100?
This is my second grade Dolch sight words list surrounded in purple with the 46 words in alphabetical order.
CCSS RF.2.3f
Here you will find second grade Dolch sight words in a purple theme in the order these 46 words are most frequently used.
CCSS RF.2.3f
This is a list of all 95 Dolch nouns. These words were commonly used nouns in the time Edward Dolch did his sight words research in the 1930’s, but are still applicable today.
CCSS RF.K.3c, RF.1.3g, RF.2.3f, and RF.3.3d
Dolch phrases are served right up on two pages of a pretty color blue. Three columns per page with 25 words per column. Each common phrase uses at least one Dolch sight word.
CCSS RF.K.3c, RF.1.3g, RF.2.3f, and RF.3.3d
This set of my Dolch sight word flash cards for second grade comes in black and white. It has 46 words, is 6 pages, 8 words per page.
CCSS R.F.2.3f